How can I send feedback about Freedome by e-mail

Jarzan Posts: 5 Explorer

I'm trying to send feed-back to Freedome by e-mail and I get following error message: "Sending e-mail failed. Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed." - How can I properly install default mail client for Freedome 1.0.1715.0/Windows 7?


  • Hello Jarzan,


    Sorry for not getting back to you earlier. Do you still have the same problem?

    Could you tell us how (or from where) you try to send this email and on which platform/OS you are?

  • hey, I got the same problem as him. I just tried to go from the 'help' page on the freedome app. I am using Windows 8, on PC.

  • Hi colecr,


    Apparently to send a feedback to the Freedome team via the Help section, it is required to have a native mail client. We will be having the email-address to send the feedback specified in the next releases.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply/question.


    But what mean "native mail client"? My system probably comes with "Windows Mail" (?) and previously... F-Secure Freedome work with this feature normally.

    Same "pop-up" about trouble-point.. I met with some of previous updates (many months ago). Such as... F-Secure Freedome upgraded and troubles comes, when we goes to downgrade F-Secure Freedome to some of version - situation goes be normal.


    Also.. other applications (some of them) openning mail client normally (as F-Secure Freedome did it before).


    Sorry for my reply.



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