Fatal Error / Freedome for Mac

Allright Posts: 2 Observer
I have been running Freedome on my MacBook Pro (15" Yosemite 10.10.4) for a couple of months with no issues and suddenly got this morning a Fatal Error (Data required to run Freedome is missing or corrupted. Please reinstall the softwares). And I haven't done something extraordinary before my Mac was shut down.

I deleted Freedome.app, downloaded a fresh one, reinstall, restarted Mac and it's still the same error. So, has anyone ever come across the error like this and knows how to fix that. Thanks


  • Heinrich
    Heinrich Posts: 2 New Member
    I have got the same problem and reinstalling does not help and also deleting the FSFreedome folder does not help either. I have OS X 10.11 El Capitan. What can I do now? The problem started 2 days before the 14 days Trial was over. Today I bought the license and the problem still goes on and on...Fatal Error Data required to run Freedome is missing or corrupted. Please reinstall the software.
  • Hello Heinrich,


    In addition to removing the app and deleting the folders "/Library/Application Support/F-Secure/FSFreedome" and "~/Library/Application Support/F-Secure/FSFreedome", could you try to also remove "Your F-Secure Freedome Key" from your login keychain (it's in Passwords category)?

  • Heinrich
    Heinrich Posts: 2 New Member
    Thanks, problem solved!
  • thais65
    thais65 Posts: 1 New Member


    i have tried all the above but still i get the same fatal error message...its realy annoying...Smiley Sad


  • thaise65
    thaise65 Posts: 2 New Member

    i have tried all the above but still i get the same fatal error message...its realy annoying...Smiley Sad
    Please someone help..THx

    BY the way  i had to open a new account some how i cant log to the other one  (thais65) Smiley Surprised


  • Hello Thais65,


    Could you tell us which system you are running?


    Also concerning your "first" Community account, do you get any error when you are trying to login with it?

  • thaise65
    thaise65 Posts: 2 New Member
    Hello Ben

    Its Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.

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