Registry entry "NvCplDaemonTool"

dk Posts: 11 New Member



I´ve got a question about the registry entry NvCplDaeomonTool.

It´s located in HKEY_Current_User/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run.

Type is REG_SZ and Value is rundll32.exe.


I´m using F-Secure Internet Security 2012 and it hasn´t found anything but I´m not sure if this is a regular registry entry.


Hope someone can help me.


Kind regards





  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser

    Google for it:


    Nvidea ControlPanneL Daemon Tool



    If you have a problem with it I recommend to first upgrade to the latest Nvidea drivers.



  • dk
    dk Posts: 11 New Member



    you mean Nvidia, right?

    But it´s actually not my Pc, I found it on.

    There´s a Ati card installed, so why should there be a nvidia driver?


    Also the Pc was infected with a trojan, called spyeyes.

    I thought, this could be a part of it.


    Kind regards



  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser



    modify the Reg valu to start with "REM ", then reboot.

    This will avoid start of that entry.


    If the system behaves normal you can remove the entry safely.


    After that do a scan using the F-Secure Rescue CD.





  • beiker
    beiker Posts: 33 Explorer

    Hi dk, I would mess around with the system registry. It could mess up your PC(hopefully not). I always trust the security software I have to do it for me. They can automatically delete those entries if necessary. 

  • motec-data
    motec-data Posts: 47 Explorer

    Maybe there in a nVidia network interface installed...

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