Feedback: Purchasing F-Secure

Hi, I bought F-secure for two years +3 months for 99,99 euros. Paid directly from our netbank. Succseed. About a week later we checked netbank and had to think hard what had I bought from PAYTRAIL and it's message CLEVERBRIDGE. F-Secure wasn't mentioned anywhere. Everything was ok when I finally figured out what I had bought, but my mom ('cos I'm 17 and bought F-secure to all of us at home) almost got a heart attack (not literally). So my point is it would be really nice if F-Secure was mentioned on netbank. What if someone granny buys F-Secure and then freaks out because of Paytrail?
Sorry for my bad english
- Nipsu
I'm with Virgin Media UK and they put me with F-Secure last year. I recently renewed at the discount price of £25.
On checking my credit card account last night saw there was a pending payment (£25) "Recurring Transaction" - location 'Cologne'.
I did not authorise any Recurring Transaction. Cologne meant nothing to me. Called the credit card fraud department and was informed the merchant is 'CleverBridge'- which I know is F-Secure.
Discovered that 'Recurring Transaction' is an authority for a supplier to take however much they want, when they want from your account.
Very sharp practice. Have emailed F-Secure directing them to stop this unauthorised action. I'll decide when, and if I'll renew. I'll see if the bank can stop this type of fiddle on my account. There's a particularly nastly outfit, 'Shoppers Rewards and Discounts which is famous for it.
Your English is very good. (Better then my Finnish).