Re: Banking protection BAR

Using Santander on line banking
Fist page the tab is shown at the top of the page enter details to go to next page pages fails security issues
Retry and the tab disappears although and will not come back F Secure has a presence on the browser with its search box which works
No help from the chat line no help on the phone and no help from the lab
Hello Typhoon,
You were mentioning the Labs. Do you mean that you followed the instructions on this article?
Well this really dose amaze me I have made phone calls gone on the chat line sent information of to the lab and all to no avail my issue has never been resolved can get the tab to open when I start my internet banking but as soon as I go to the next stage it fails, my F secure is up for renewal and wondering if it is worthwhile.
I took up F secure because of its visible presence when on internet banking but if that does not work then what is the point and dos the rest of the system really work