Mac OS X 10.10.3 wifi problem after using freedom

Hello, i have been using f-secure freedome with my macbook. Problems started when my freedome connection was on and i put my macbook on sleep mode. After when i opened it again i couldn't use my internet connection with my macbook, it says "no IP-address". All my other devices works with my router but macbook doesn't. aswell all other wifi connections works well with my mac but not my connection with my router. I tried to everything to fix this and finally cleaned my harddriwe and went to apple shop install OS X again. After this my wifi connection started to work again and i downloaded freedome again and used it for awhile. Then my macbook went to sleep mode and again i have same problem, I can't use my internet anymore and i have tried to do everything to fix this but nothing seems to help. Hope you could help me here, thanks.
edit. my router seems to work everywhere with my macbook but not in my room also i tried to clean and install everything from my macbook but didn't help.
Try the following:
Renew your DHCP lease.
1. Open up system preferences.
2. Open up network prefernces.
3. Select the Wifi adapater.
4. Select Advanced.
5. Go to the TCP/IP tab.
6. Select Renew DHCP lease.
Remove and recreate your network profile.
1. Open up system preferences.
2. Open up network prefernces.
3. Select the Wifi adapater.
4. Select Advanced.
5. Go to the Wi-Fi tab.
6. Remove your network from list.
7. Attempt to reconnect.
Remove and readd your wireless adapter.
1. Open up system preferences.
2. Open up network prefernces.
3. Select the Wifi adapater.
4. Select the - button on the botom of the screen.
5. Select the + button to readd it.