Freedome for Mac: "No network connection"

today i bought a 1-Year subscription for F-Secure Freedome for Mac. After installing the application i cant start the VPN Connection or entering the license code. But i get an error after starting the programm saying "No network connection - please check your network connection and try again".
I am operating OS X Yosemite (10.10.03), there is no firewall installed and everything else works just fine.
Is this a known issue and can i do anything about it?
Greetings, J. Röder
I have exactly the same error on my MacBook Pro Retina 15" with OSX 10.10.3. The internet connection works perfectly except for Freedom, which claims "No network connection. Try again....etc". On my iMac with the same OSX there was no problem at all and Freedom seems to work as one can expect.
I bought a five devices subscription (for iPhone, iPad, iMac and MacBook) but now it seems it only works on three...
I hope you can find a fix for this...?
Try the following:
Renew your DHCP lease.
1. Open up system preferences.
2. Open up network prefernces.
3. Select the Wifi adapater.
4. Select Advanced.
5. Go to the TCP/IP tab.
6. Select Renew DHCP lease.
Remove and recreate your network profile.
1. Open up system preferences.
2. Open up network prefernces.
3. Select the Wifi adapater.
4. Select Advanced.
5. Go to the Wi-Fi tab.
6. Remove your network from list.
7. Attempt to reconnect.
Remove and readd your wireless adapter.
1. Open up system preferences.
2. Open up network prefernces.
3. Select the Wifi adapater.
4. Select the - button on the botom of the screen.
5. Select the + button to readd it.