F-Secure Cleanup Tool fails to operate

Flyvapnet Posts: 24 Explorer

Today, 13th May 2015, an F-Secure update was downloaded and installed.  I then ran a Full Computer Scan.  But at the conclusion of the scan, when I clicked on the Cleanup Tool button, a box appeared informing me my version of Internet Explorer was not supported and that I should obtain a newer version.  The Cleanup Tool then refused to operate!  Thing is, I don't use Internet Explorer; I use Mozilla Firefox 37.0.2 and haven't used Internet Explorer in years, nor do I intend using Internet Explorer in the future.  Prior to this F-Secure update today, the Cleanup Tool downloaded and ran just fine.


So, what's this all about?  Something's suddenly suspiciously amiss and I'd like you to fix it.  Thank you for any assistance you can give me in making the Cleanup Tool operational again.  All helpful advice will be greatly appreciated.


Cat Frustrated


F-Secure data -


F-Secure 15.2

Common Component Framework 2.33 build 220

CCF CUIF 10.03 build 584
CCF DAAS2 1.10 build 542
CCF Guts2 2.01 build 451
CCF Upstream 2.01 build 1237
CCF Diagnostics 8.01 build 1237
CCF Scanning 1.61 build 106.453
CCF Network 1.03 build 127
CCF Reputation 2.0 build 1337


System data -


OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name MRCAT-08607D7B3
System Manufacturer IBM
System Model 1847W76
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 6 Model 13 Stepping 8 GenuineIntel ~1862 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date IBM 76ET69WW (1.29 ), 12/6/2006
SMBIOS Version 2.33
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)"
User Name MRCAT-08607D7B3\Joe
Time Zone Pacific Daylight Time
Total Physical Memory 1,536.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 548.48 MB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
Page File Space 3.60 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys


Addendum - Here is a screen shot of the box which appears when I click on the Cleanup Tool button.



  • Flyvapnet
    Flyvapnet Posts: 24 Explorer



    Cat Frustrated

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Maybe after weekend.. there also will be normal response from F-Secure team or from F-Secure Cleanup Tool team.


    But if there can be normal something as my suggestion.... so:


    -> It's probably normal situation with next points:


    - Cleanup Tool (same with Online Scanner) always was related with Internet Explorer.

    Such as... if you don't use Internet Explorer (it's anyway will be installed as default under your system?!) - it's can be outdated. Such as Internet Explorer 6. With previous design... as result for Internet Explorer 6 - wrong interface and other.

    Internet Explorer 7 and 8 - normal work.

    Higher version - supported totally and officially.


    New version of Windows should be with supported versions of Internet Explorer as default.

    On current time there was changes for requirements for TP-versions of main protection software (as example).

    And Cleanup Tool start be with new technologies for interface and probably design of work too.


    Such as... most likely.. Internet Explorer with outdated version or with missing some of updates (there can be any of default system libraries.. such as something around direct/drivers or other), which should be latest versions for supported all features of Cleanup Tool.


    And it's mean... that not matter which browser your default one.

    Internet Explorer (supported version or maybe there already required some of specific updates) is required for normal work of Cleanup Tool. Such as "interface"-part (as example).


    Sorry for long reply.

    I'm not sure.. that it's can be normal, but it's looks like "as design" for current time.

    Maybe F-Secure team can to give more explanation around.

  • Flyvapnet
    Flyvapnet Posts: 24 Explorer

    Thank you, Ukko, for your reply!  Thing is, my suspicion is that F-Secure Corporation has struck a deal with Microsoft Corporation to help Little Billy Gates force people to buy operating systems they don't need.  My present operating system, Microsoft Windows XP Professional, is the best operating system Microsoft Corporation has ever released; and it works just fine, apart from Microsoft Corporation's ongoing attempts to render it useless.


    Also, who's going to pay for a new operating system?  Me?  I live on a fixed and low income from the Social Security Administration.  I can afford neither new computing systems nor new operating systems.  Additionally, the F-Secure Cleanup Tool worked just fine until this latest F-Secure update; hence, it must have been able to operate via Mozilla Firefox else it wouldn't have worked.


    Microsoft Corporation, in its greed, has stopped supporting its best-ever operating system (Windows XP Professional) and so I'm unable to update Internet Explorer.  In fact, I've long since uninstalled it!  If anyone "out there" can tell me, given my present operating system, how to install a version of Internet Explorer which will be acceptable to F-Secure Corporation's new requirements I'll be happy to do it.


    I didn't spend all this money on F-Secure Corporation products just to have that establishment sabotage my ability to use them.  In William Shakespeare's play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark  Marcellus tells Horatio:  "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark".  That was then, but now it appears there's something the matter in Finland.


    Cat Mad

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my new reply. Probably it's goes to be too much large. And just about "something around", but not helpful words.

    Will be good.. if there will be response from F-Secure team (under your topic... and about situation).


    I just think maybe it's something else and maybe there not really "new requirements" as "break something". Just as improve. But it's of course.. more nice, when can be with alternative-steps for use current tool. Also not sure that it's related with operating system. Just with version of Internet Explorer (there can be updates or something, which can be related with scripts, mechanism of interface or other - and current things "in use" under Cleanup Tool. For normal work of new versions.. maybe there should be something specific, which was previously "not in use"). Not sure... maybe there something else... if it was work before and just now stopped. It's more nice.. to understand.. which version (can be visible under task manager maybe as process. or under temp-folder during try to launch) was with work-status. And most likely that "new" version can be related with stable version of Online Scanner.



    It's totally not nice design maybe (such as... required some of specific steps for some of users). Also because... it's not just one "specific requirement". There also have some other.

    On current time.. I not able to check it with Windows XP machine (it's work recently.. and probably work too much recently).

    Such as... does your version of Cleanup Tool (if it's possible to get/catch during downloading) has version Current version based on stable F-Secure Online Scanner (as same tool), which available to download today. And current version was probably with "work-status" under Windows XP machine (Media Center/Professional), when I try it with "technology preview version of F-Secure IS/SAFE". It was probably normally launched. But machine was with installed Internet Explorer (with upgrade to Internet Explorer 8 and with all available latest updates for SP3 before Microsoft's decision for stop support).


    Not sure.. maybe it's will be not work on current time with "same background" too (I mean my previous experience).

    But if your system configuration have "uninstalled" status for Internet Explorer as package (or default version). So... maybe?! it's strange.. if it worked before. Because how I can to understand.. it's anyway based on default system libraries or something same (not really friendly with development) for graphic-view, interface and maybe some of "network communications". Firefox maybe can not be as "certain" similar solution. Or can not be with current status, because developers of Cleanup Tool does not create support-status for that (maybe because they should to test it... and it's more actions, than just "one default supported browser"). For that... of course... there should be response from F-Secure.


    Also.... I think it's not really story about something more, than just "development" with modern technologies (I mean that does not want to support meanings "buy new OS/buy new machine").

    I think... that there was some of "limitations" for features, which was "dropped" after another requirements for version of browser.

    Same situation can be with vulnerabilities. How I remember... recently there was some of stories about OpenSSL and other. Some of websites can to fix this.. just if they goes to drop support-status for users with outdated browsers (Internet Explorer 6-8). Such as... or service will be with vulnerability status, but with support for outdated browsers. Or service - safe, but users with outdated browser can not to use this.


    Maybe there was something same. Some of libraries goes to be updated for fix some of troubles... and it's goes to be normally work or can to work.. just with "something higher than...";

    About how to install Internet Explorer. If it was indeed a question.. :) so probably it's indeed can be a stuck, because how I remember it's already not available to normally download Internet Explorer 7 or 8. Maybe there available to get Internet Explorer 6 from default mechanism (as Control Panel = Installed Software - Windows packages)... not sure.. if it was as trigger for updates.


    Also about "supported" for slow/not new machines/systems.

    My first experience with F-Secure comes.. just because it was one company and one security software with HIGH PROTECTION LEVEL and FEATURES, which normally work and can to work.. with some of my too much "not fresh" machines. And with outdated (on current time) operating systems.

    With common meanings.. just now... technology preview goes to be with new "requirements", which will be already with not supported technologies for current hardware. But it's still with support to operating systems (?!).

    Cleanup Tool - it's a tool. Basically.. features of this too... with installed main F-Secure software... not always helpful. It's brief check. can be helpful time to time. But most likely.. that enough FULL Scan time to time. For normally situation with your system.

    Also.. I think online scanners can be more helpful with another engine (such as HitmanPro have same engine and else one. It's can be time to time more helpful, because there also have other technologies for potential unwanted software. it's tool... which work with same design about online scanner as one time scan or fix "troubles", which already comes for system). Or clean system after troubles. But F-Secure main software should to prevent any ?! troubles. Of course... it's will be not always and it's hard. there a lot of "high quality" malicious software and vulnerabilities around.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    I goes to check it with Windows SP3 machine today.

    And it's looks like that it's still work there (with Internet Explorer 8 and latest updates).

    So.. it's mean.. that indeed trouble-point just with Internet Explorer (not really with operating system).


    Also.. not sure, but probably current "situation" can be not fresh. Such as Cleanup Tool maybe should be with current behavior already not first days.


    I not check next: "uninstall" Internet Explorer 8 to default Internet Explorer 6.

    But probably it will be same result with your experience (when packages disabled).


    I can to feel there just next steps:


    -> You able to use previous version of Cleanup Tool, which work with your background (system configuration about browser);


    -> Trying to get Internet Explorer (as example.. from default packages/CD-installer or other workarounds) and "trigger" updates for browser (if it's will be still required for launch Cleanup Tool)

    It will be just installed.. and you able to not use it (?!) but not sure that it's really nice variant.


    -> Ask F-Secure Cleanup Tool developers for re-design something. Which will be enough for launch it.. when system have same background about default browser.

    Such as... it's now based on default system mechanism (?!) with Internet Explorer (some of alternative browsers have same design in face), but maybe it's can be variable.


    Also about potential reasons for changes (previously - work; now - not): there under license-information about Cleanup Tool also have about forty third-party trusted/known libraries for various components of work.

    Maybe some of them.. goes to be updated and as result.... requirements (for use it) goes be another one. Such as... maybe just third-party component created situation, when there "required" something more, than you have. And can be.... that current changes comes as "improve" something (performance, speed, quality, security or other).

    But  anyway with Internet Explorer 8 (and latest updates for system) it still work.


    Sorry again for my long reply (and for my "not nice" English) and probably not helpful (because it's just about my experience about situation). Smiley Sad

  • Flyvapnet
    Flyvapnet Posts: 24 Explorer

    Thanks, Ukko, for your thoughtful replies!  I see everyone else is avoiding this topic like the plague, which means they know F-Secure Corporation's abandonment of paying customers who don't use Microsoft Corporation's latest money makers programs is a done deal.  This is sad, because F-Secure held out so much hope for those of us seeking a good anti-malware utility.


    Cat Sad

  • Hello and apologies for late reply. Cleanup Tool (as well as official free scanning tool F-Secure Online Scanner) uses IE as a rendering engine. No matter what browser is actually used for browsing, Cleanup Tool requires some minimal compatibility with IE installed in the system. For new version of Cleanup Tool, this minumal IE version is IE8. We had to do it; there are graphic features in new Cleanup Tool impossible to get with IE6 or IE7.


    “I must be cruel only to be kind", as Hamlet would say about that.


    So here's the solution, already brought by Ukko: please install IE8. Keep using Windows XP and a browser of your choice, but IE8 should be present in the system to enable new Cleanup Tool to run. 



This discussion has been closed.