Addons for Opera...

It would be great, if the F-Secure addons would also work under Opera (it is based now on the Chromium-Project). So it should be easy for you, if you have already made a Chrome-Plugin, to port this to Opera
Thanks a lot... And let us fight for a save and free internet
I do not remember exactly (I now have f-secure ULAV) but go to the folder where you have installed F-Secure. There's look for something related to the browser chrome extension. Find the file from the Extensions ".crx" Open opera / manage extensions, and drag the file from the folder f-secure to the opera
Sorry for my potential feedback (I'm also only F-Secure user).
Current state is that still possible to install/add F-Secure Browsing Protection extension to Opera by own workarounds only.
For example, by installing addon/extension from Chrome WebStore under Opera.
Probably -> for official support Opera extension -> required more effort from F-Secure Teams (that all works good and 'as designed'). And maybe possible to suspect that 'own' workaround for any (or most) Webkit-browsers is enough for some situations.