ULAV fresh news(Banking Protection)



  • mp07
    mp07 Posts: 50 Explorer

    I really like the Banking Protection.  It gives me piece of mind so I can pay my bills online without as much worry.  But, I have a couple questions.  First do we still have to wait 30-60 seconds when we use the Banking Protection on one site, to switching to using it on another site? 

    I had a problem(well not really a problem) but many months ago when I would pay a bill & the Banking Protection activated fine.  But when I finished & closed it out.  I had to wait 30-60 seconds before I could use the Banking Protection(for it to activate again) on another site to pay another bill.

    Also i had asked for a couple of my bill payment sites to be added to the Banking Protection and they told me only Banking sites where allowed.  I dont understand that because I still use my banking info on those other bill payment sites to pay my bills. I don't use my banking site to pay the bills since they don't have that option yet.  But I use my banking info on the bill payments sites, so it should still be protected.  So I would think those sites should be included too., don't you?  After all its still supposed to be protecting my banking(or really any sensitive/money) info, correct?

    I think I had a small glitch with the Banking Protection a while ago.  It only happened for I think about a day, the banking protection would activate on regular sites, like if I searched for something on Google, it activated a couple times.  Then again on several other non-banking/sensitive info sites.  But when I wanted it to activate(when paying a bill) it wouldn't activate.  But that only lasted maybe a day or so then it was fine again.  I believe I reported it when it happened.

    But that gets me thinking, it might be nice to add a feature that we ourselves could activate the Banking protection(if by chance it doesn't activate by itself) & to be able to use it for shopping sites too where we're entering our banking or credit card/sensitive info. when buying things online.  & to use for things like PayPal too.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    I, too, had a problem with Banking protection launching with regular sites. That was a little while ago and happened frequently. Recently no such problem.

    What I experienced yesterday and that has happened before as well. I am on a site, select things to my basket and proceed to checkout and payment, banking protection launches. The I want to add some items. I cannot as banking protection blocks it. What I have is a bar at the top which allows to stop banking protection, so I can use that to stop it.


    Should I need banking protection when it does not automatically launch the work around is to open a banking site in another tab which launches banking protection (for all tabs)

  • klon
    klon Posts: 7 Observer

    Zdravstvuyte.Skazhite what version of the engine , and when it is updated .

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Cannot really see it from the very limited GUI. Can you?

    Components were updated from 26.5.2016  - 26.7.2016

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    But which engine you mean (scanning engines, other things, UI, certainly build maybe)? Some of engines can be same with F-Secure/FS Protection solutions (scanning engines probably). Some of engines updating time to time.


    Update for installer (which mean some of fresh things) was probably around month ago.


    Also... with my experience (which there probably not noted as changes)..... F-Secure ULAV can be already with Advanced Local Scanning (like main F-Secure solution Aquarius core). Directory/folders/files for scan... listed under UI after scan-action (files, which your target to scan).


    Sorry for reply.

  • klon
    klon Posts: 7 Observer

    The core engine Bitdefender 

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    With F-Secure ULAV (F-Secure Ultralight AV) this engine comes as "optionally"-thing. Firstly -  disabled after installation.

    But you able to enable it (called as specific feature) and download all latest databases also. With "next" disable-action for feature (if you decided to do this) - will be removed this database (and core/engine);


    With F-Secure ULAV it will be as engine for "offline/not nice network connection"-situation; because main design of F-Secure ULAV is online-based things (with F-Secure engines and Security Cloud).


    Probably (how I can to think) this core/engine same with stable F-Secure solutions. I will try to re-check it later (maybe there will be already response by other users or by F-Secure people). On current time.... I have just installation of F-Secure ULAV, where this core disabled and updating not comes. :)

  • klon
    klon Posts: 7 Observer

    Hello, Thank you for informatsiyu.Vy doing a great thing.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    But I also just F-Secure user (and with experience about using F-Secure Ultralight AV). So.. this is just my suggestion and for totally official response there required response by F-Secure ULAV team (maybe can be there).

  • klon
    klon Posts: 7 Observer

    Good man!

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Re-check it recently and yes.. there is same build for Aquarius-core between FS Protection/F-Secure SAFE and F-Secure Ultralight AV (which time to time updated/upgraded for probably some fix-points, but with stable build). Maybe can be changes around "optimisation" points for F-Secure ULAV or something else.


    I also (not sure... already.. maybe it was before too) get that there comes changes about "clean"-design.

    Previously F-Secure ULAV just informed about "infections under system" (or like block-action).

    On current days.. there comes "Disinfect"-feature for current prompt/detections.


    But.. with current design - how I can to understand... there can be same trouble (which can be with F-Secure SAFE/FS Protection)... about POTENTIAL situation (?!) when we goes to restart system (when IN SOMEWHAT reason... still happened cleaning/removal action).


    Normally sounds like this:

    Restarting (or turning off) the computer during malware removal may cause the next computer startups to fail.
    While Antivirus is removing malware, the user can continue using the computer, but the computer must not be restarted (or turned off) during malware removal. Doing so may put the system into a bad state and the computer may fail to start. It may require repairing the system by reverting to a saved restore point, or possibly reinstalling the OS.


    So... I get this today with F-Secure ULAV (as additional to my experience about F-Secure SAFE and FS Protection with this) by the steps.... "Disinfect-button" --> prompt for restart - some seconds/check UI --> restart from UI.

    Stuck for system load.


    But there also was some of applications (working) under "background"... so maybe there was a reason for trouble (or stuck for scanning/removal/cleaning).


    Also.. how I can to understand.. if Advanced Local Scanning enabled.. so... this is will be main engine (and online-design dropped). Such as.. there is not like "switching between" (and mainly online, but if there offline/or troubles with network - goes be advanced local scanning at work). Or maybe my network connection indeed not nice (how I think in fact).


    Sorry for reply.

  • mp07
    mp07 Posts: 50 Explorer

    Thanks martink!!


    I've had that same problem too.  And wondered how to get the Banking Protection to activate again after closing it out.  I didn't realize when it activated that it activated for each tab that was opened.  I thought it only activated on the tab that you were on(working on).  I will have to try your suggestion next time.

    Thank you!

  • klon
    klon Posts: 7 Observer

    Hello! When the local scanner it grows Безымянный.png

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Yes, size "increasing". But... under description for feature (aquarius-core) there have words about "around 250Mb" (in fact.. will be more, but indeed around).

    Such as... full size of F-Secure ULAV with Advanced Local Scanning feature (aquarius-core-engine) will be under my system around "450Mb" (where certain F-Secure Ultralight AV around one hundred Mb probably).


    I think that under your 'Program Files"   F-Secure folder there should be some else solutions (Freedome, Booster?!)..... because... probably F-Secure Ultralight AV can be with not so many files and folders (and size should not be around Gb-numbers). Just if there some kind of ?! cache-stuck (around temporary or doubled files).


    Sorry for reply!

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    This is what I have (ULAV and Freedome)


    That is without Advanced scan


    after downloading it is


    Don't  see a place in the GUI to start scan. Is there?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for reply.


    Probably under UI... there just BLUE-small-circle-button (scan-picture)... where main big circle-button (with status of ULAV: protected/turned off/restart required/other). When you choose it - will be "system scan". Or by "context-rightclick-menu" under any of system place (if required full scan - meaning - choose all drives; with my experience F-Secure ULAV usually can be crashed during this "fullscan").




    Or you mean certainly scan by Aquarius-core.


    Just because there probably was missing officially explanation for current feature...

    How I can to understand (after small using it)..... when Advanced Local Scanning is enabled..... F-Secure ULAV start to use Aquarius-core as main one.

    With two points:


    --> Will be detections by Aquarius-core.

    --> Will be dropped specific detection by F-Secure ULAV online-design;


    Potentially funny point - when we do "Cloud scan" (by certain feature under context-menu) possible to get both detections with any of background/settings (AND some of more specific detections as additional).


    And I mean that.. possible launch scan (by Aquarius-core) is just launch scan (from UI possible to "brief smart scan for system critical places" like circle-button; or from context-menu scan).


    Or my network connection not enough for F-Secure ULAV (can be). Because firstly I thought that there possible some kind of "switching" between scanning engines. Like if F-Secure ULAV will get (?!) that there troubles with network (or busy) - will be just local scanning for this files by Aquarius-core. Or if system "offline" - will be scanning just by Aquarius-core. And when online by "both" (?) or just by Online-engines. It was probably like that... previously with design (where was small local engine for offline scanning).


    Sorry for long reply. Smiley SadSmiley Sad

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks Ukko.

    The size of the folder did not change when I started the scan.

    While scanning it reported that it had found a problem in 2000 soem files.

    After the scan I could not get any information about that problem.

    It also reorted one thade been disinfected. The same thing there the malware genre was indeintifed, but the file and location was not identified.


    Would you happen to know (of course you do) if I can get more info on those two things.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    While scanning it reported that it had found a problem in 2000 soem files.


    must have been actually found no problems.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser





    Basically... for get all (totally available) notifications under UI.... you have to open F-Secure ULAV UI and re-change "Important"-tab (around search-bar) to "All"-tab.  And mark/check (should be checked already) all three statuses (like "OK", "Attention", "Trouble").

    Or switch to filter it (for re-check briefly). Also possible to type something under search-bar (like words, which can be related with detection prompt/notification) and get just this notifications under current filters.


    There can be notifications about "files was not scanned" (like system files or other. all of them listed under UI. and can be a lot of notifications. Them not visible under "Important"-tab. And possible to see it... with "All-tab".

    Detections and most of other critical points... should be visible under "Important"-tab (turned on with opening UI). And maybe just scrolling between notifications (under UI) - if them too much many.





    While scanning it reported that it had found a problem in 2000 soem files.

    After the scan I could not get any information about that problem.



    Usually if there something detected... listed under UI (not under "scan result"; under timestamp - when detection happened). By design - it always (!?) goes to remove/quarantined about "normal" malicious/suspicious files and there just have option to restore it (and mark as safe for prevent re-detection). So... there not required any steps. Usually (?!) if you launch "brief/smart scan" from UI (or like "System scan") - there will be all OK - but potentially also can be notifications about situation "when file was not scanned". Called something like "there were some scan mistakes" (and notification picture). And marked to be "troubled to scan"




    It also reorted one thade been disinfected. The same thing there the malware genre was indeintifed, but the file and location was not identified.



    I have same experience about some specific steps and situations. With my experience usually happened with "Cloud scan" or other things. Not possible to get... where it was... which file and other. Or with DeepGuard some prompts.

     So.. I think.. that there just possible to re-check.. if available button "restore" (when you target current/certain notification); After restore.. there should be visible destination probably. Like "show in explorer" or other.

    And re-check about "important/all"-tabs and scrolling between.

    I also can to think that... destination possible to get from system registry (as quarantined file or information about detection) - but is too much not common steps.. and I think.. if this is just one possible step - this is can be trouble and reason for report it.


    I have experience just when DeepGuard prompts and Security Cloud (triggered by me) detections comes with same result.. where not possible to get which files/where. But it was situations... when happened by my actions.. and was visible for me.. which files and where.

    With "disinfection".... usually I get prompts that it was "blocked" or "detected" - and just possible to disinfect it manually (with fresh builds) by option. Or re-trigger possible multi-detections for one file.




    Smiley Sad( Sorry for long reply.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    I re-check it with my installation of F-Secure Ultralight AV.


    Probably.. if I normally understand situation... you experienced with next steps (? if not.. so.. I can to repeat with this steps as additional to some other not common steps):


    --> For example.... under "desktop" (or local_drive:\  ;  or drive:\ ; or any other place, which monitored by scanning and marked as system-critical place)..... have malicious files (or one file).

    --> Launch "System scan" and this files can be detected as infection.

    So... I also get.. that "system was disinfected" and just detection-name;


    With "just" scanning (System scan) I think this possible to get... just about "critical system places" and some of malicious files. And most likely (if there not big troubles with system) can be under desktop or local drive.


    Troublepoint there.. I think that... there also do not work Quarantine-restore (same with my experience about Security cloud scanning).


    And probably this kind of detection... can be as design. This is probably same with F-Secure SAFE/FS Protection.

    Usually some files under "drive:\" can be marked as system-infection and will be notification just with detection-name and "location is "system-infection"". Can be when under one place... a lot of files (detected as one; or part of something). Or just one place about critical-system place (for scanning engine). Or... just auto-disinfect file under same design (like not possible to configure about user action; not sure about current design with stable F-Secure... it was changed recently... how I remember).


    Different there (probably) that with F-Secure SAFE/FS Protection there work quarantine-restore action (?).


    Sorry for reply Smiley Sad .

  • klon
    klon Posts: 7 Observer

    Hello! Someone tell me that today it obnovlenie.Chto update or a new feature appeared?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my ask.

    Which kind of update there? My F-Secure Ultralight AV installation yesterday was (if we talk not about daily databases-updates for Aquarius/Hydra engines)... probably with missing this.

    Not common point was just update for DeepGuard (but also "databases"-update). This is maybe was about removed some f/p-detections; or improve some detections.


    Do you have experience with something as "big" update?

  • klon
    klon Posts: 7 Observer

    Hello, I Updated on Vin10 thought it updated new build Yes Aquarius / Hydra) reload everything remained as it was.

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