TP137 Windows Client Release

Ville Posts: 725 F-Secure Product Expert

FS Protection PC Release 137

  • Common Component Framework 2.37 build 394
  • Antivirus 14.137 build 101
  • Browsing protection 2.137 build 3408

New features

  • GUI rendering library updated from Qt4 to Qt5.

Fixed issues

  • Update log may show multiple "Installed" entries after upgrade (CTS-95894)
  • Software packages stay "Not installed" after using FSAUA-Reset.exe (CTS-96138)
  • Subscription expired warning when subscription is not expired (CTS-96156)

Browsing Protection:

  • No rating icons for Yahoo (CTS-96245)

Known limitation

  • DeepGuard prompts simplified temporary for TP137 - All application details are visible in the dialog instead having possibility to expand or hide the application details. This will be changed back to original design in next TP.


Unfortunately we noticed just after release that not all files got signed properly. You may see UAC prompts for system modification with "Unknown publisher". We'll fix this in next TP release.



F-Secure R&D, Desktop products


  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 571 Superuser
    Did You plan compatibility with Windows 10 x64 ? If positive, is TP 10074 included ?
    Thank You?
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Well, I tried to do this the awkward way, and sure enough, the installation didn't go quite as smoothly as usual on my Windows 8.1 laptop.


    I already had SAFE installed on my laptop, as I have been waiting for the new version (which still hasn't arrived), so deliberately started to install FSP without first uninstalling SAFE.  FSP removed SAFE, and then prompted for a reboot, which I did.  Following the reboot, I got a flashing minimised window, which was the UAC prompt to continue with the FSP installation.  However, the minimised UAC prompt wouldn't open for me to allow it.  I right clicked, left clicked, and tried everything else, but it just kept flashing and refused to open.  So, in the end, I had to reboot again, and install FSP from scratch from the portal.


    By the way, I haven't been to the portal for a while, and I like the look of it now.  I think the 'Release license' link is very useful and will hopefully help to alleviate some of the confusion we often see here, regarding re-using licenses.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I'm now on my Windows 7 Desktop, and while I was writing the above, FSP was upgrading via the Upgrade prompt, as it was already installed on this machine.  My only niggle is the persistence of the all-white icons, and I think the overall design is pretty bland, but functionally, it all seems to be running fine.  :)

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for reply.

    Just interesting about two questions.


    I - Why DeepGuard does not say something about not signed modules? Or it's indeed can be safe for DeepGuard logic (when F-Secure's libraries or other.. goes be replaced for not signed. Or there just "most of them" not in use.. or "in use" just after UAC as "main point" there. Also it was probably always.. such as.. if Support Tool was not signed and re-placed for another file. It was available to be launched and DeepGuard (or other) does not ask something. If there will be "launch"-action for calc.exe too. It was not critical maybe, because re-placing required administrator rights and if there will be "known" malicious something... it will be prevented as malicious one... but what if it happened randomly and will be allowed or other trick-steps. like it happened now and "it will be not known malicious-signature"). Or it was something as white-list already?




    II - It was also.. always after replacing Browsing Protection-link to AV-main window (and remove-action for Launch Pad), but anyway... does it can be normal or.. maybe there can be something as additional.


    Previously... I thought just about point.. that when I turned AV-module before (with Launch Pad) - I still can to use Browsing Protection settings or other editing for current Browsing Protection module.  And for current action does not required turn on AV-module again.

    Such as "with Launch Pad" feature-button about "Turn off all security features" under Computer Security was more visible and related just for current module.

    When Launch pad goes be dropped. Current button work as prevention for using Browsing Protection settings/UI. Such as... for get this (?!) need to launch AV-module again.


    Now.. I also think about next point: OK. It's maybe normal. But maybe on current time.. button can be marked as "for both modules" or something else. Anyway... on current time.. "turn off all security features" from main UI. Work as before.. just for AV-module. It's probably normal.

    But.... Browsing Protection and protection against harmful websites will be work. It's also good.

    But... it's also mean.. that all features work (most of them?!), but it's not available to get UI. Maybe it's not critical. But anyway. Different there that... button (turn off all features under main UI) still work just for AV-module. But on current time.. it's also prevented to use Browsing Protection UI.

    And if situation like that. Maybe there can be more powerful button for two modules? Just because Browsing Protection still work.

    Or... anything for get Browsing Protection UI, when AV disabled/turn OFF status.

    It's probably not critical.. and can not be helpful too much often. So.. it was just as addition for first strange question.


  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 571 Superuser
    up ! anything about windows 10 100074 tp ?
    PBMCMLXXI Posts: 5 New Member
    Hi yeoldfart, I have just installed it ok on such.
    I did just post it under this:
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