Hur kan jag förlänga min prenumeration

Vem ska jag kontakta om jag vill förlänga min prenumeration


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Please be aware that only English and Deutsch languages are supported in this Community, and English language needs to be used in this part of the forums.  Smiley Wink


    I have done a quick translation of your question, which seems to be:


    "Who should I contact if I want to extend my subscription"


    This depends on which F-Secure product you're using, for example, F-Secure SAFE is renewed through the SAFE Portal, but there may be different methods for different products.  If you could give us a few more details, we may be able to help better.


  • Hello @TOstgard ,


    I moved your post to a more relevant board(until the product is confirmed).

This discussion has been closed.
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