This is not okay.

Can someone please speak some sense to me here? I set off the anti-theft alarm on my tablet yesterday to find where it was within my home. It said this was an alarm you can set off to locate it, so I did. I found it. I now cannot get the alarm to stop. It's asking for a password and I don't know/remember what password this would be. I've tried all my usual passwords.
The website says you can send an SMS to the device to stop it, but as it's a tablet, there is no number to send this SMS to. It also says if I contact them they can reset the password. I tried chat and the technician just cut off the chat before even talking to me within 2O minutes. I called up the UK number and got a lady who told me I have to have proof of purchase to reset it? Really?! For a tablet I got FREE with my mobile phone contract over a year ago?! I don't have the proof of purchase!
I cannot use my tablet AT ALL. It will not let me unlock it and constantly sounds an extremely loud alarm the whole time its on so I have to keep it off. I am so annoyed that my tablet is now completely useless due to using one of your services. I have the email address I signed up for F-SECURE on via my Virgin Media subscription service. I have proof that I am the person who started the account (my name on my passport). I have the phone numbers of ALL the other devices that this anti-theft is installed onto. I live at the same address. I am DEFINITELY the owner of this tablet. No thief would have all of that information AND access to the F-SECURE account, hotmail email account AND my home address, yet still I am not allowed to reset my anti-theft password? Really?
Can someone please help me out here? I am so at my wits end and just want the use of my tablet back!!!
Hello Roxas,
Sorry to hear that you haven't been able to reset your security code yet.
Did you already tried to unlock your tablet through the SAFE Portal?