Literally, everything is wrong

tt2 Posts: 12

OK where to begin. Best to make a list.


1) the webpage that contains the form to fill ut to start a chat is broken. It will not let you fill the reequired information. The drop downs never populate past "country". So there's no way to get help.


2) for no reason I can discern, payment on one of the three products I *tried* to buy tonight has been rejected. The error is entirely on your side, I assure you.


3) attempting to activate  one of my remaining f-secure SAFE icenses on my android phone results in it claiming it is expired , evn though I bought it in March of this year nad the other two devices correctly say I have 350 or so days left on my license.


4) when you send the SMS message with an activation link, a license code and a 100 character "anti-virus activation" please realize that my phnoe, Like a lot of Android phones won't let you highlight individual lines of text in a single SMS message. Instead, you can copy the entire messsage and paste the entire message.


This makes the form in which you send the information, well, sort of useless since that 100 letter anti-virus activation key would have to be typed manually into *somewhere* (you never say what to do with the keys you send and there is nowhere to input them) .


Worse it woud have to be typed manually while switching back and forth between the SMS message and whatever screen it is you want us to input it into.


5) I cannot log into my F-Secure accout from my Android phone although the EXACT that is E-X_A_C_T same information, when entered into the same  place via my desktop logs me into my account just fine.


6) No information on your website on how to contact you outside of your non-functioning "contact us" form. So here I am.


7) I have paid for a ot of stuff you will not let me activate or otherwise haven't given me access to. Obviously, something needs to be done about this. I bought the SAFE, secure key and anonymous proxy  , each product for ALL my computers and ALL my family's phones.  Just two instances of ONE of these products has been given to us and is working on our devices.


8) I attempted earlier to chat with your onine help (when the webpage was, apparently working) and I wiated a longish time then was greeted with a curt message- the ony one I ever saw btw, that "the technician has disconnected this chat".


9) Finally, figuring out from your web page what products even exist and how they compare to each other is actually quite a nightmare. It may be "cool" but it's tragically confusing and uninformative. I won't go into the details since this is ong enough but it's enough to say that even after finding the comparison matrix for products, they were not correctly represented on a target-platform basis. Things which are available for Android are sort of represented as not available and visa-versa.





  • Hello TT2,


    Thank you for your feedback. I'll try to cover every problem you brought up.


    1)There should not be a country dropdown in our chat webform. Could you copy the link of webform  you tried to use? When did you try to chat with our support? Was it the global support request webform?

    Also note that our chat is subject to some opening hours.

    2)What was the error message you received when the payment failed? Which product were you trying to purchase and from which webstore?

    3),4),5) & 7) The best would be to open a support ticket so that we can check the status of your licence.

    This video might also help you to install SAFE on you android device. 

    6) On this page, you should find the links to contact us through webform, chat or phone.

    8) You might have tried to chat with our agent, at a very busy time. In some case the system might terminate the connection itself. 

    9) You can compare our F-Secure product on this page. Each product page can give you more details on the supported platforms.

  • tt2
    tt2 Posts: 12

    Thank you for the reply. I like your products and am rying to get them no my family's devices. HEre is what happened today, by way of example.


    I got a message on my phone that says "subscription expired" License not activated Iin fact, it is, you sent me the text message and I activated through that  text message and for this product, SAFE, you have successfully debited my credit card and the MySafe area of your webiste indicates that  SAFE is activated on on two out of a possible 5 devices and for the device on which I received the "subscription expired" message" , it says it is not activated. Yet I activated it through the link you sent me in text. I can try to reactivate it again by pressing the "reactivate" link, then I'll get another text message which I will click on etc etc etc but it all seems like a gigantic PITA.. it doesn't, as they say "just wprk". \


    The service I was trying to buy but was declined for was the pasword keeper application- I forget at thsi moment what you're calling it.


    We are also interested in the onine storage. basically, we like the company and it's offerings and would like to make you our across the board provider for all our security needs, but , well, you're making it way harder than it ought to be. I am not trying to be unpleasant, just reporting on how it is for us.


    I will avail myself of the inks your provided and try to resolve the issues using them. When I find time, i will link you to the login page I was faced with if I can find it again....


    oh and one more thing I just noticved right now. At the top of this page which is :


    I am now seeing a yellow bar with "authentication fialed authentication mismatched, failed authentication". I am nto sure how customers are supposed to interpret a message like that. At any rate, it doesn't sound good, does it?


    Thank you.

  • tt2
    tt2 Posts: 12

    Look the text message you send me only takes me to Google play. It says i hae the software installed already , which I do, but you are telling me it's expired (after three days). When i try to login to my account, for unknown reasons it says wrong username or password. I KNOW THEY ARE NOT WRONG, and FYI I do things not less than 10xs before I start using ALL CAPS.


    So I have no avenue to put in the activation code. THe text mesage you send me is entirely useless for that purpose, so why do you send it to me? You won't let me login to my account (is it because I am on a different device? Of course I am on a different device.. I am installing on more than one device!) and you dont' provide any kind of place whe I can just put in the flipping activation code you keep sending me (and the 100 charqactrer anti-virus code which as I said is a study in unsuability) ... so after having paid money, I am completely unprotected.


    I want a serious response that solves my issues and not an offer to follow a link to open a tcket to someone who will start from zero and tell me to do things I've tried and which don't work.


    As you can tell, I am officially fed up. This has been hours.. five at least trying to buy and install your products. How can anything be this plain awful? Other companies don't have these insane issues and requirements and non-working procedures for installing software.

  • tt2
    tt2 Posts: 12

    The link you provided to em to opena  ticket.. did you followi it yourself? Did you see the attached screeen shot? This is the form withthe country drop down etc.... fsecure mess.PNG

  • tt2
    tt2 Posts: 12

    HEre is the text of the link tot he page which opens a support ticket and which I screen shoted above:


    Contact our support staff for assistance. Check phone numbers and service hours or submit a support request.


    It's at the bottom of the page you linked me to.


    Click "support request" ad see if you don't see what I am seeing (and still can't get by)....

  • tt2
    tt2 Posts: 12

    To summarize, here are the outstanding issues

    1- card declined when trying to purchase password maanger. This is not an issue with my card, country, browser cookies or anything else. I have purchased both FREEDOME and SAFE using the exact same process.


    2- unable to log into this Community site or f-secure's site from any other computer than this one. Specifically, when asked to log in by yuor software from devices it's installed on, I just can't. It fails with the message "wrong username or password" , which is definitively and finally not true.


    3- unable to complete the the form which I posted above and which presents itself to me anytime I try to file a support ticket using the link at the bottom of the page you provide me and which link I had attempted to use previsously also.


    4- unreliable (meaning, we have lost faith) subscription process being used to tell us that our subscription has expired when it is in fact a few days old.  This manifests as a completely random (as in any time, any place) refusal for continued service on our phones which then requires from us a lengthy process of  logging into this site (on this computer only) "reactivating" the app on the phone, deleting the app from the phone, waiting for your text message, going to play, downloading the app, reinstalling.


    That's where we are.


  • tt2
    tt2 Posts: 12

    OK Ben you tell mev what I have to do to get help with your  product becasue I give up... Latest problem- , along with all the other unsolved ones,

    @Ben wrote:

    Hello TT2,


    Thank you for your feedback. I'll try to cover every problem you brought up.


    1)There should not be a country dropdown in our chat webform. Could you copy the link of webform  you tried to use? When did you try to chat with our support? Was it the global support request webform?

    Also note that our chat is subject to some opening hours.

    2)What was the error message you received when the payment failed? Which product were you trying to purchase and from which webstore?

    3),4),5) & 7) The best would be to open a support ticket so that we can check the status of your licence.

    This video might also help you to install SAFE on you android device. 

    6) On this page, you should find the links to contact us through webform, chat or phone.

    8) You might have tried to chat with our agent, at a very busy time. In some case the system might terminate the connection itself. 

    9) You can compare our F-Secure product on this page. Each product page can give you more details on the supported platforms.

    when I log into f-secure to resend my activation so I can use the product, all I see are two big white Xs in red circles where the functionality to do that ought ot be.



  • Hello tt2,


    Sorry for the delay in the reply.

    I seems that there might be some problems related to your web browser(big red X, country drop down). 


    Could you tell us on which device and web-browser(versions) you are facing problems?


    Did you manage to reach one of our support agent through phone?


    Finally note that if you have already Safe, you get to use KEY Premium(our password manager) for free.

    Here is how to retrieve your voucher from My Safe. So you shouldn't need to purchase it.

  • tt2
    tt2 Posts: 12
    I will try another browser.. I am using the mos recent release.

    It just seems like F-Secure ws not prepared for their own success and are overwhelmed with people needing help and I am just another such voice.

    Here is my advise. You need to just down on the number of people seeking help before you ruin your reputation. Here is what I would do.

    Redesign your site to be as simple as possible. Right now, it's like it's trying to be a TV ad for itself. Just leave that alone, it's hard to get to stuff that means anything relative to a buying decision or support. For example, because of your sie, I had no idea I didn't need to pay for F-Key. None. that's a fault of communication, and your site is how you are communicating.

    Double down on being explicitly clear in your error messages in all your products and your explanation of what things mean. Look at your If you look at your support requests, you'll see that a lot of them are just because the FIRST time you communicated with your user, that is, the text and graphics in your products, you failed to communicate clearly. So the next step for them is asking for clarification and help. That's killing your profit margins, I'll bet.

    Make buying easier. Fo example. when i buy something from you there's quite a to-do about different keys for each device . So I'll go to use a key and it wont' work because "it's already been used" . That requires me to keep track fo which ey is with which device. I can't do that. I have one email and five devices. I dont have one email for each device. So i have n emails from F-Secure each saying the same thing "here's your key" or "download your key" or worse "log in to get your key" (more on why this is awful this later) all in my inbox and I go to use them and I get this message from you that says, in effect "tut tut tut.. this key is already used! ". Man. Keeping all that straight is a nighmare. Which key is on which device ? Which ones are used and which are not used? I don't want to think about this kind of thing.

    Making me log in for anything is a disaster. You may think of your site as home, but I sure as heck don't . I don't even LIKE your site. I want to communicate and do everything concerning F-Secure through the product itself. Help? Through product and email. Pay? Through product and email. Upgrade? ditto.

    If I log in one my home computer and use my PW manager or autofill with my browser, when I am somewhere else, i cant even log in, OK? Because I dont know what the password is. Because my PW manager makes one up for me and then remembers it , OK? Because keeping a million secure PW is a PITA, OK? So don't PW me out of getting help, buying, upgrading or paying.

    A key should be good for however may devices I bought it for. The app should ping and send you the device its being run on. You should count down however many devices it'[s been installed on. Then after that, the ping does not confirm the license on any new devices. Is there an issue with that? Is that known to be insecure (people rip you off?).

    I could go on but I have to go. One more thing. The Freedome on Android. It does not know what app was using it. The reason this matters is because it goes to culpability and accountability when bandwidth usage is exceeded by some app. Android will tell you who the culprit is, but since everything goes through Freedome and Freedome doens't know, all the Usage ->Data setting of Android ever says is "Freedome" Freedome used X amount of data. Without Freedome installed, Android wil tel me, "Overdirve just used 3 G of data today". With Freedome, the Android user has exactly zero visibility into what app was using what dta. This is a very bad thing; Android invested heavily in making this kind of info available to users because USERS WANT IT , A LOT.

    And Freedome is taking it away from users.

    Think about that.
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