I Tried F-secure cleanup Utility but can not understand what is removed

I have the TalkTalk product
Super Safe Boost 2.21 build 284
CCF CUIF 10.03 build 258
CCF DAAS2 1.10 build 369
CCF Guts2 2.01 build 418
CCF Upstream 2.01 build 980
CCF Diagnostics 8.01 build 924
CCF Scanning 1.51 build 112.309
CCF Network 1.03 build 102
CCF Reputation 2.0 build 1337
I ran the cleanup utility today for the first time and it completed with the message
Your computer is now clean. the following harmful applications (1) were removed successfully:
Infection date: Tue 15 May 2012, 13.44.32
I have searched for various bits of the above but can find no trace as to what it was or what was removed?
Can anyone show a light as to what application might have been removed?
as as far as i am aware i had no problem and 2012 is a long time for a malware to exist
Hello Kenny825507_b,
You can find information on this detection in this article.
You might want to contact TalkTalk support directly to investigate that removal further.