Milloin tarjoustilaus aktivoituu?

E2 Posts: 2

Minulla on iPad-laitteessa voimassaoleva Freedome-tilaus. Sain tarjouksen kolmen laitteen tilauksesta puoleen hintaan. Jos ostan tarjotun tilauksen nyt, milloin se aktivoituu - ostohetkellä, silloin kun syötän saamani koodin johonkin laitteeseen vai silloin, kun nykyinen tilaukseni päättyy? Jos ostan tarjotun tilauksen nyt, voinko alkaa käytää Freedomea kolmessa laitteessa jo nyt kuitenkin siten, että uusi tilausjakso alkaa juosta vasta nykyisen tilaukseni päättymisestä?


  • Hello E2,


    Our community is currently not localized in Finnish. Could you please repost in English so that the greatest number can assist you?


    Which type of subscription do you currently have (multi-platforms or from an app store)?

    Where did you receive the new promotion from?

  • Hi,

    Same situation for me. I have bought one yoear iOS  subscription on last November. I also have monthly 2,99€ android subscription. And 3 months free trial for PC. I woul like to buy this offer "50%off for 3 devices" but I would start using this new 3-device subscription later, in about 2-3 months from now. 


    When will the 3-device  one year subscription activate? When I make the purchase OR when I enter the code to the first device? If the second option is correct, how long is the code valid before I have to enter it first time?



  • and when I wrote 3-device subscription I mean the Multi Platform subscription

  • Hello Mummipappa,


    When you buy a subscription, it is added to the existing subscription/trial.

    eg. If there is 2 months subscription left and you purchase a 12 month subscription, it will result into 14 months subscription.


  • Hi,
    I don't have existing multi platform subscription. I have iOS 1 year subscription. I would like to buy this -50% offer for multi platform subsciption but so that it will activate later, when my old subscription expires.

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