Banking Protection blocking bank sites

I've thought about this, and I can't personally see any reason not to list sites on here, and then other people can add to them if they want to.
If, however, you consider there may be privacy issues with that, then I guess the best way would be to raise a bug report via the beta program portal. -
Maybe you mean next URL as place, which can be helpful?
Such as... there have categories.. about Banking Protection and false positive/negative.
And I can to say.. that maybe you have to just re-transfer URLs again.
My experience (can be same.. or similar) about F-Secure SAS and URLs (false positive about some ratings - as example - pages wrong marked as adult category) and Banking Protection (should be under white-list as logic-action, but blocked) with hundred (less, of course; but can be current number of links) URLs... which was "fixed "(to valid rating), but after that "back to first situation". I re-transfer it just two times (for some of them). Now.. it's already looks like "third" situation... when known URLs for me.. start be "wrong adult category" again or "unrated" again (?! it's surprise about unrated, but about one of URLs, which does not looks like with big changes or dynamic-content.... it's already third one situation).... and etc.
Also recently (with potential re-changes about Banking Protection design or MAYBE changes with WEB TRAFFIC SCANNING mechanism; it's looks like with a little be another design for "get" information about banking-traffic.. and same things around. and because there also start be not visible block page for direct-pages during blocking) ..... I also get... again "Banking Protection blocking some websites during banking session protection" and it's websites, which was "blocked before -> after that fixed with transfer it for F-Secure SAS and whiteslited?!" and now.. it back to "blocking".
Sorry for reply.
Just decided to add that... my experience more about just Content Blocker (as Online Safety feature) and just some part with Banking Protection (as rating/blockings/reputation and etc.); But with my dreams... it's based on same things (one security cloud, one reputation/rating-design and etc.);