f safe secure browser "cant find page"

Recieved the letter from virgin telling me one of my devices has malware.

Bought f safe secure using my smart phone.

Tried to download f safe onto my laptop.

Browser says "can't find page."

I'm.assuming this is because the laptop has the malware on it, but if so what do i do?



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Can you give us the link you're trying to download from? I'd be more inclined to think that a "can't find page" error is indicative of an incorrect URL, rather than malware. Obviously, if the link contains a keycode, remove that before posting it on here. Smiley Wink
  • Just tried typing the address to this conversation (currently using my phone) into browser on my laptop and same thing "browser can't find address"


    Can a virus block access to a website?

    I'm assuming viruses don't like it if you try to go to a virus killer website do they ;-)
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Yes, situation, when malicious items able to block access (similar with black-list) to security websites...... can be.

    But.. it's should be not just about F-Secure (also).


    Anyway - which experience you have on current time? any new steps already created?!


    Also... you can to manually look around for your system. Such as "hosts"-file or suspicious items under autorun-settings.


    And.. for get installer there can be various steps as available actions.

    Also it's can be same with some of security-tools for brief-scanning your system.


    Sorry for reply.

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