What's the difference between F-Secure Safe and FS Protection?

I'm beta testing FS Protection, but I also pay for F-Secure Safe and have it installed on family devices. I don't really see a huge difference so far. I was hoping that FS Protection would add the ability to see the security status of machines (needs a scan, found a threat etc.) and allow for sending remote scans. Other security products offer this type of servive. Is this something FS Protection will have in the future?


  • las97
    las97 Posts: 11 Observer

    I would like to know this too. Could anyone explain ? :)

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for reply...

    But which question there most interesting?


     - about "remote" control-features as future plans for FS Protection?

    - or about "what's difference between SAFE and FS Protection"?



  • las97
    las97 Posts: 11 Observer



    Well, I'm interested to hear the difference. Smiley Wink

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    About current question probably can be not so hard to talk.


    Good if there will be also response by F-Secure team, but just because there already can be "common" points (and about which I can to think as "difference")... so... maybe it's can be with next "view":


    -> probably main meanings.. there it's.... something as "FS Protection is Future of F-Secure SAFE".


    Such as FS Protection - beta/technology preview and potentially most of changes/features/additions comes for F-Secure SAFE (as next stable version). It's mean.. difference between is "time" and "status".


    With common words about feature..... and about managements.... there already have good points about FS Protection - such as "invite"-system for friends/family under one account. For me.. it's can be interesting.

    Such as "sharing" of licenses and other. But... in fact.. it's not really work yet. For normal experience.


    It's another "design" for portal.. more "modern", than "casual". More platforms as "supported platforms" (but it's not always full security solution, for two platforms.. it's will be just as Safe Browser).

    More stable work about licenses and visual experience about "feelings" and information about "re-get" licenses and other "managements" things. There a lot of small changes, which can be more interesting with FS Protection and probably soon comes for F-Secure SAFE too.


    About "Desktop version for Windows" and for another platforms (I think there will be same)... a lot of improving around security-points (as design-security, protection-security, security as security).

    Some of new features under Browsing Protection and main module too. Which can be better.... of course.

    All of them.. goes to be with meanings about "more protection as default and less worry for user".


    Re-changes for design (interface) and for design (how it work).... which created situation, when there just important points for user.... and there without a lot of things... which can be "too much" for solution.

    And it's indeed big improving.


    There also... big steps about "installation" flow.

    And shooting for "troubles" about "license-questions". Such as... user already can to rule and fix any (or most of them) stuck-situations without Support-request.


    Changes for scanning-mechanism, cloud-based improving.. and other. But I not sure.... that it's can be specific for FS Protection, because.. it's can be also comes for F-Secure SAFE as real-time changes too.


    But anyway.... common words... F-SECURE SAFE it's stable version of previous "FS Protection" (on current time - it's wrong words, but it's can be with same meanings).

    And one of "FS Protection" releases can be next F-Secure SAFE as stable version for users.


    And it will be with next points around FS Protection (and as "difference"):


    -> more cloud-based, less resources for one side.. and more "load" for another side.

    -> interface, which can be very "configurable" and also... with dropping a lot of elements (or improving) for better feeling around and "easy using". With improving about "not hard access" for main actions. Less steps.... less settings (default variant close to good and with  settings for create "good" to "high good").

    -> security-features..... with meaning "less worry for user and restricted situations" and ask him.. just "when too much critical".

    -> modules-based, which can be important for speedy hotfixes or same situations.

    -> interface-cool-points... with some of effects, surprises and other "just beauty"-things.

    -> portal-managements about licenses, sharing/invite-system under your account for your trusted people.

    -> also there can be meanings about fix-actions for known previous troubles.... which can be as points for "more quality".

    -> simply... a lot of steps for improving quality, design and security with small steps around (such as.. rare stuck situations, strange situations or not beauty situations goes be dropped... for example).


    And there..... of course... can be a lot of new things.

    But which, when and how...  it's can to explain just F-Secure team.


    It was just my opinion and sorry for my English. Also.. maybe I forget to add something important....

    But probably it's without something, which can be helpful or answer.

    But.... maybe there can not be something another with common meanings. Because two different solutions with different purposes and destination (which created "difference" for anyway "same" solutions).


  • Stoo
    Stoo Posts: 13 Observer

    I want to hear about BOTH questions!  :-P

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    I think it's possible... and it's can be as potential features (include reports about status).

    Maybe it's already long time have with business-version of F-Secure's solutions (?). I mean "conception".

    Because there can be more important and reasonable to use it.


    And also.. it's just interesting for me....

    Does your experience about current feature based on home-versions? Which companies have current feature? There I mean "remote-scan trigger"... probably I always ignore current feature with another home-solutions. And does it work as should be? Or required a lot of steps?

  • Stoo
    Stoo Posts: 13 Observer

    Several companies offer agent managment through web portals for "home versions" of AV solutions.





    Through the console you can see reports and trigger scans on any machine that you have the agent installed on. It would be a very good feature for F-Secure Safe (or FS Protect) to include in future updates. It would be a big help to me since I take care of the protections of several family member computers and friends that do not live geographically close to me. So, working on their computers remotely is my only option.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    Yes, it's can be interesting.


    With your examples... I have experience just about Bitdefender (another two companies.. I not really like it.. and security-software for me should be with trust. So, I don't know something about their realizations). And with Bitdefender..... my experience was with troubles about normal work of "web portal".... not all browsers/devices (just my experience) work with their realization. So there I also with small experience about web-portal.. and current feature was "missing" for me.


    Anyway... indeed... good feature can be something about statistics under portal (of course, for my opinion)... such as "malicious events" or "timeline-mirror". It's can be helpful.  And also many other things, but with normal realization and helpful realization. More information... more visible picture about protection status.


    But also there can be meanings.. that basically security (good and perfect) software should to prevent situations, when it should be triggered to clean (by user.... and maybe does not matter if it's happened by remote-step). Such as - real-time scanning should to clean and work with malicious automatically... and do that.... without something "wrong". For known troubles (of course).

    And maybe also there available to configure "scheduled" scanning. Maybe it's not so easy to use how it can be with "just custom remote trigger to scan system and enough", but realization for "remote-trigger to scan another system under web-portal and with additional modules as part of installation" maybe also required resources (and maybe more). Maybe there need time for creating something greatest.


    Anyway - sorry for my reply again.

    Basically.. I also... wait "official" answer by F-Secure team (and do that from first reading your topic) about current conception (as your question-example) of feature.

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert



    FS Protection is the beta version of next release of F-Secure SAFE. If we consider Windows client (which I personally work on), SAFE currently has a version that we finished 6 months ago. FS protection has at most 2 weeks old build.


    I can't really promise any features as the plans may change, but in general our direction is towards more integrated solution.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Stoo
    Stoo Posts: 13 Observer

    When you say "integrated", do you mean same agent across all devices?

  • can't really promise any features as the plans may change, but in general our direction is towards more integrated solution.
    Protection support programs

  • Help for support in solution
  • Stoo
    Stoo Posts: 13 Observer
    Can you give any further details?
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