f-secure firewall problem

hi ive started trialing f-secure and im having a problem with its firewall as its blocking boinc from communicating with collatz conjecture server to report completed wu's but in the action log it says all boinc communications are allowed also when disabling the antivirus/firewall in settings its still can't connect until disabling 5 f-secure services firewall demon to fsgkhs then it works and i can report wu's again


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser


    please give more details on your setup!



    F-Secure Version.


    also what is "boinc"? What is that software designed for?




  • win7 64bit f-secure internet security 2012 http://boinc.berkeley.edu/
  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser

    Create a new service, name it "bonic"

    then add a rule allowing >=1024 to 31416 TCP

    add the service to a new rule and allow inbound and outboud traffic.



     (you might need to search for "firewall")




  • thats for connecting to the client which i can do im trying to report competed wu's from the client to on port 80 which is getting allowed according to f-secure but fail to complete unless disabled 2011-12-20T11:30:37+00:00,info,appl control,C:\PROGRA~1\BOINC\boinc.exe,allow,connect out,6,,80



    seesm im not the only one with problems http://www.primegrid.com/forum_thread.php?id=3715&nowrap=true#43652 i think i might have to try Kaspersky las and see if that works with boinc as i really need it to work

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser

    Application control log says: allow connect out on port 80.

    but you want INBOUND traffic.


    Also on port 80 Webtrafic Scanner might interfere. try disabling that. Befor you test, reboot to get the drivers unloaded



  • 2eemeli
    2eemeli Posts: 95 Enthusiast

    Hi to trouble shoot firewall make an allow all rule and set it to log.


    By that you can see all the traffic and figure out what rules you would need to add.


    If bionic is using web remove safe web application from add and remove programs and test.


    When uninstalling Internet Security you will be asked what module.


    Once the module is removed you can start testing the firewall turn it off and see.


    Than you can turn it on in case it starts working and make the allow all rule with logging.


    YOu can give it a try in case you havent changed you AV software

  • gabranth - don't make this mistake, do not buy f-secure, you'll be very sorry, as I am now!!!
  • i got kaspersky as it doesn't block boinc or trigger ws.reputation 1 alerts when using/downloading opensource/beta programs
  • motec-data
    motec-data Posts: 47 Explorer

    Have Kaspersky fixed the latest problem? Im not sure if I like an AV which can crash this way.

  • nortan internet security 2011 completely shuts down after running the opensource eraser program and rebooting so i guess nothing much has changed haven't tested 2012 though might work on that

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