Hong Kong does not work

When the selection of Hong Kong country after the unification of the application reads; "Protection ON" But the ip address does not change ip address in Hong Kong at all.
Further ip address for my ip. So, Hong Kong does not work.
I paid for the Freedom program. The program should work as it is
application fee and my payment is paid.
About Japan today was published Knowledge Base article.. probably about same thing: http://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Why-does-my-IP-address-seem-to/ta-p/66063
If your first description does not related with something about local-trouble during short time...
Maybe page create result, which based on your other "fingeprints" (which can be in use... with this service... from browser/system or other.. and it was cached?!).
Anyway... with my experience.... current website and some of other... normally detected Hong Kong as Hong Kong.