Freedome for PC kills my bandwidth

I have a similar problem. I am connected to a 100 mbps connection and it gets killed by Freedome for PC. I think that connecting to a closer US location would help alleviate this problem, however, that's not an option right now because US locations are not currently available in beta. Even my 4G connection over Verizon's network is faster with Freedome for Android. I hope the connection will get faster for Freedome for PC soon.
Thanks for the input.
Could you try to connect with a mobile device (Android or IOS ) to the same networks?
Let us know if the bandwidth drops are as significant.
Keep in mind that this is still in Beta(constantly working on it), and VPN solutions usually come with a noticeable network overhead.
When I was investigating VPN options one reason I specifically chose Freedome was because in my testing having the VPN on only slowed my network connection by 0.1 Mbps. Which is extremely impressive and may have had something to do with my service provider (Verizon). Maybe it has a better connection to the Freedome servers than most?
I'm still experiencing little to zero network overhead with Fredome on my mobile phone. However, experience virtually unusable connection via desktop.
I'm betting the connection on desktop will improve over time, especially once US locations open up, which I'm looking forward to.
Thanks for making such an awesome product! Can't wait until desktop beta is released!
ct -
Huge props to the F-secure Freedome team for adding US West Coast! I'm currently running on a university network. Since the new location addition I can see far less indications of a slow connection. In fact, I can't even tell that I'm connected to the VPN at all. The connection is that good! Thanks again for adding US locations, huge, huge difference in speed now. I can't wait to see what other improvements come in the future either.
Im using Freedome on android 4.4.4. software in Finnish carrier network. Freedome is significantly slowing down my download speeds up till 1/10th of the original downloadspeed. In numbers, with Freedome on I get download speeds ranging 3-4mbt/s and without Freedome 30-60mbt/s. I have tried to change virtual location to various countries but It does not seem to help. Can you help me sort out this connectivity problem?
Hi Ben,
I have Freedome on my laptop (Win7 64bit) and smart phone (Android) with persisting issue that initiator of this thread mentioned.
Extremely low bandwith means unusuble product. You might fix the issue in the future, but that means only an excuse to me. You shouldn't release the product with such a terrible issue. Either refund me in full or give me an imidiate real solution.
It's a great disapointment.
Hi StarKiller,
It is unfortunate that the product is not meeting your expectations. For the laptop as Ben indicated earlier the pc side of things the product is still in beta and will improve as for the mobile side, things should be fairly seamless.Could you provide us with more information on this "slowness"? Have you tried other servers or is it slow from all servers? What speeds do you receive with Freedome enabled and with it being off, VPN services do have a noticeable overhead. Is the slowness continuous, sporadic or intermittent?
Hi Hailan, I'm already using Comcast service with 3.5 MB/s down and 750 KB/s up stream bandwidths. I can simply use my full bandwidth in normal use. However, with your service, it drops drastically to certain levels depending on the application (PC version). For browsers it drops to <10%, which is somehow stable but not good for online streaming. For IRC clients it drops to merely <5KB/s, which is very unstable and it disconnects intermittently. I just tested for torrent client as well and it is the same as IRC clients. These are all I can say about usage bandwidth as they give me the values. For Android connections it is somehow the same. It took me around 5 minutes to download a 2MB app from google-app store. Note that the connections are not interrupted by other apps/antivirus/firewall and also I disabled the antivirus or data scanning features in the PC/android versions of your product as far as they gave me control/option. At this point, I do not use your product as it does not provide what I need. Giving back my earlier comment, either provide a fix instantly, or refund me in full.
I'd like to give my opinion about FREEDOME VPN!
But first; here is some background details!
I'm from Finland, i am PC (windows 7 64bit ofc.) user.. my laptop is running with linux, but most of the time im using Windows 7.. I tested windows 8 once, but that was a mistake and never going to install windows 8 or windows 10 systems in any computer! Sometimes in work, i have to use Win8 system, but that's rare! I'm using AVAST and/or FSECURE (sometimes NORTON) as virus software. I use windows firewall along with my Routers firewall with some expections ofc. So there is no effect from firewall!
My internet provider offered me 100/10 Mb fiber optic that is distributed in house by VDSL2, but because of long distances with VDSL2 , the speed drops down, and my "actual/real speed" is 70/13 Mb, but it's fine by me, cause it's cheap and my upload is even better than it should be! But that's not the point, i just wanted to create a picture about my gear and connection..
To the point; I can connect to any server, all around the world, without any speed drops!
Ofcourse speed drop's a little bit, example; when connecting from Finland to US server, there is little speed drop but i'ts not even 2 Mb..I found no difference When i'm connected to server that's located in Finland or Sweden, my connection speed drops max 1 Mb.. when compared connection's between Europe and US, i cant even tell if i'm connected to US or FI server.. Sometimes dont even know is my computer connected and need to check that am i using VPN at all?
I dont know what could affect so much that you lose all your speed..
I understand that if ur connection is already slower than 10 Mb + there is no servers near ur location! then that 2 Mb does matter!
Did run some test's with 4G mobile connection.. almost same result's, only 1 or max 3 Mb loss when connected some server with great distance!
Conclusion; Freedome VPN work's quite well! I'm happy Freedome VPN user!
Thx! RJJ-
I'm in Norway, using Freedome on a Mac (OSX 10.11) and an iPhone (iOS 9.0.2). My connection is 50/10, and I usually get around 48–49/9–9,5. Connected to Freedome, however, the speed drops to around 30/8. Pretty often it's down to 20/5, and on some rare occations it's barely usable; we're talking ISDN speeds...
I'm mainly connected via Oslo, NO, but the drops in speed seem fairly consistent, no matter the chosen location.
I really hope the speeds are improved soon, because other than that Freedome is a great service.
EDIT: Today I find the Stockholm location gives me 46–47/8, which I'm very happy with.
@StarKiller wrote:Hi Ben,
I have Freedome on my laptop (Win7 64bit) and smart phone (Android) with persisting issue that initiator of this thread mentioned.
Extremely low bandwith means unusuble product. You might fix the issue in the future, but that means only an excuse to me. You shouldn't release the product with such a terrible issue. Either refund me in full or give me an imidiate real solution.
It's a great disapointment.
I know what you mean it cuts your speed more then half. what do you expect from half a-- software
I see I'm not the only 1 here thats dissappointed with F (slow my wifi please) secure keep the complaints coming people
@StarKiller wrote:Hi Ben,
I have Freedome on my laptop (Win7 64bit) and smart phone (Android) with persisting issue that initiator of this thread mentioned.
Extremely low bandwith means unusuble product. You might fix the issue in the future, but that means only an excuse to me. You shouldn't release the product with such a terrible issue. Either refund me in full or give me an imidiate real solution.
It's a great disapointment.