installation problems

Is anyone else having problems trying to install the f-secure SAFE software on their laptop?
I have followed all of the advise on the f-secure website for reinstallation, however I can not even get the software installed. Although my old anti virus software was expired, it was still protecting my laptop, now I'v uninstalled it and the f-secure software isnt installing, Im being left out to the elements of the cyber virus world!
No matter how many times I try to install the software, all I keep getting is INSTALLATION FAILED. No explanation, no advise on what possibly to do.
It's possible that the old software hasn't uninstalled properly. Try running their removal tool, which you may find here:
Once you've done that, run the F-Secure uninstall tool to remove what could be an incomplete installation, and start again: -
I have F-Secure on my computer (xp addition) when I try to bring it up I get a box saying:
windows cannot open this program because it has been prevented by software restrictions policy. for more info, open event viewer or contact your system administrator.
Tried what it suggests do not understand it.
Can you help.
I'v tried everything suggested by Simon (with thanks) and by F-Secure yet I keep getting the same above response all the time. No explanation, no reasons, no fault codes, just 'installation failed'. Maybe my Windows 7 is a bit too old for F-Secure to work on! Shame to waste my Virgin Media 'freebie'! Thanks for the help guys!
I think you need to raise a support ticket, and attach an FSDIAG from the support tool, which you can download from here: