Freedom VPN 1.0.582.0

Hi . I received today my beta invitation and I installed F-Secure Freedom VPN for testing purposes. My laptop is Asus X500-LB with Win 8.1 32 bit . The instalation went smooth and fast. Interface is simple and beautiful , I like it so far. Few settings for a normal home user are fine but it needs a log especially in beta version. I had some connecting problems when I tried jumping from server to server without disabling the protection, when I choose Amsterdam VPN it loaded for a while and then the protection button went OFF blocking my attempts to reopen it. After 10-15 seconds the connection was restablished and I could connect to all VPN servers. Browsing speeds are good comparing with protection off, tested on SpeedTest and received bad scores . Overall i would rate it 7 out of 10. Good job guys!