CNET Download Malware

To Mac Users.
Please take note.
I did come across with these issues.
Try Upload the CNET downloads to for detections.
Brian Krebs Security did mention about CBS Malware attachment in CNET Downloads.
I'm glad to hear that Brian Krebs Security bring up this issues.
Also be wary of any malware in Apple Apps Store.
There have been some news on these.
If you find anything suspicious with downloading from Apple Apps Store please submit to SAS Team.
Android are prone to similar problems.
I am not going to repeat the same posting here...
you can track and view my posting here.
if you are running boot camp and so happen that you downloading programs from cnet.
You will notice the CBS Interactive Malware.
Like what the Brian Krebs says..
Be extra careful went downloading software for the Apple Apps Store. (Or android or Google)
ICSALABS says something about it. Read the link above.