[False Positive] Exploit:JS/HuanJuanEK.A! is everywhere



I have just turned on my router and after 2 minutes, f-secure started to block all non-ssl websites. I tried to browse http website but immediately sign of Exploit:JS/HuanJuanEK.A!xxxxx popped up. I got scared and turned off router and got new ip and again it happened. I am seeing lots of activity about this exploit from f-secure map here:worldmap3.f-secure.com


Should I be worried about this? I couldn't find any information about it. How a network can be infected like this?


Edit: Seems like updating F-Secure product solves the issue however we are waiting a statement from F-Secure.


False Positive: Exploit:JS/HuanJuanEK.A:



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