Wrongly blocked websites

Ok so there are these games that i always play and i enjoyed playing them but then i go on them and their blocked them websites are http://playthrust.info/client http://playthrust.info/ http://hab.zone/ please unblock them
Probably you able to use next link/service: https://analysis.f-secure.com/
This is F-Secure SAS/Labs and there available to use (account) or just transferring link/URLs, which can be false-positive (if it's blocked) or potentially malicious links (which not blocked yet); and samples with other meanings.
If you have experience about current URLs as "blocked URLs" by F-Secure. And current block-page's description with words about malicious reason (because there can be also content blocker - but it should be with "set up" before).... but you still sure that there safe pages... you able to transfer current URLs as tickets for F-Secure SAS and receive response about situation (false positive or not) - but for response.. need to create account under F-Secure SAS service-page.