What does online privacy mean to you?

Hi All,


Let us know what online privacy means to you and get a chance to win a surprise! 

We have a little something for 20 of you who comment on this thread.

The winners will be picked at random.



Merry Christmas!


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Online privacy to me, means the ability to perform banking and other financial or business transactions with total security.

    It also means not being tracked online and targeted for ads according to the sites I visit. I strongly object to this process and do all I can to remove and prevent tracking cookies from residing on my machine.

    I do not agree with comments such as "if you're not doing anything bad then you don't have anything to worry about", as everyone has a right to privacy, whatever they do in life, and online privacy is too often breached, in my opinion.
  • semaj
    semaj Posts: 1

    It means being safe when surfing online and my personal data is not being compromised without my consent.

  • F-Secured
    F-Secured Posts: 21 Explorer

    What does online privacy mean to you?

    It means that my messages stay just between me and whoever I'm talking to.

    It means I am in control of what I share and who I share it with.

    It means I can have a peace of mind without anyone stalking me or tracking my every online action.

  • Karii
    Karii Posts: 1

    It means safe connection to my bank account and where ever I log in using a password. Which reminds me of F-Secure's Key -program. Could it save the passwords in a cloud server - so it would be easier to find the saved passwords where ever you are.

  • F-Secured
    F-Secured Posts: 21 Explorer

    I think Mikko said in his AMA that it is less secure to store passwords in a cloud than encrypted on your device.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 578 Superuser

    online privacy means two things: I can use a "private browsing" option which does not leave any browsing trace and much more important: a VPN built in the AV

  • Thank you All for the answers, 2 more days to go! 

  • Svieg
    Svieg Posts: 1
    Online privacy means freedom for me. I don't want any company choosing what I should watch and what I shouldn't. I want to be able to access anything without any profiling who pretends to know who I really am.
  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 578 Superuser


    you need protction to stay free...

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    Online privacy means that I can post and talk to my friends and just enjoy myself. Where I do not have to be so afraid of saying something wrong or doing something wrong. The thing is I say the same thing my father says is that I am doing nothing wrong. Then on that premise I have nothing to hide. If you read up on the United States Justice System where I live it is estimated that they convict innoncent people many times. Is any justice system perfect no. I did how ever watch a documentary on group of men who spent 18 to 34 years in jail for crimes they never commited. The were proven innocent by DNA testing.


    Where am I going with this? The simple fact is that the law runs out of control and loses all checks and balances at times. If the electronic surviliance is this bad then someone is going to start using it doe something? Google's motto is do not be evil but what the heck are they doing with all that data anyway?


    The horrible thing is right where I live right now we have had a serial killer lose for a couple of years now. Yet the US Government has spent billions to take a picture of my license plate and document all the porn I watch but AFTER ALL THAT MONEY. You can not get this guy or girl and find them? When you have satellites that can take license plates or my hair color etc. What is the real point of all this. This person has killed I think six women. What are they going to do wait till they kill more?


    We have to  break away from these services and minimize the impace they have on our lives. Then again that is like trying to thumbwrestle Godzilla if he was real in order to stop him. I am sorry guys I know I went off the beaten path but if our privacy is taken away and I am going to live in a police state. Then you better **bleep** well protect the people using the technology on the criminals that they USE ALL THE TIME ONE US!

  • Hello again, thank you for your posts! This giveaway is now closed.

    All the participants of this thread will get one year licence for Freedome.


    Have a safe holiday season and an awesome year ahead!


  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 578 Superuser

    thank you, nice gift for xmas :)

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Thank you, Ania, and Merry Christmas to you and the team!  merryxmas.gif

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 578 Superuser


    thanks again for the nice intention. Sorry to bother you but there doesn't seem to exist a windows freedome app as I am redirected to a beta testing application form... what's wrong on my side ?


  • Hello YOF,


    The desktop version of Freedome is effectively currently only on Beta stage.

    So nothing wrong on your side:)


    Merry Christmas to all our community members.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 578 Superuser

    I wish all the best for everybody, devs, staff, community managers and and all of you my kin beta testers :)) merry xmas and happy new year !

  • F-Secured
    F-Secured Posts: 21 Explorer
    Thank you! Have a very merry Christmas!
This discussion has been closed.