Private Network Is it safe


I sometime turn on network discovery only to find strange unknown devices or phones apparently connected to my network, are they intruders or just being found as they pass close by like all the other listed routers found on my wireless routers.

for an example I noted down what information I could about the last device I saw.

Type Nexus 4
Name occam
Make LGE

All the other details were listed as unknown.

I keep network discovery off most of the time but turn it on to print to my network printer/Fax/Scanner.

I am a Virgin Media customer and I have installed F-Secure running Windows 8.1

Am I paranoid or should I be worried.



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Sorry, I can't really answer your question, but just out of interest, where are you seeing the list of 'connected' devices?  I found where to switch on Network Discovery, and mine was already on, but I can't see a list of connected devices anywhere.  And, just to double check, presumably the Nexus 4 isn't actually your own phone?

  • Hi

    In file explorer if you double click network on the left hand  side it should populate the main window with all discovered network devices. (if network discovery is enabled)

    I don't have a web enabled mobile so Its not mine and there are a few different ones.

    Thanks for your input

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Thanks, I'll check that out.

    For what it's worth, and again, this isn't my area, but as long as your network is secured with a good WPA password, then you shouldn't have too much to worry about. Perhaps it's just picking up other devices in your vicinity? Check your router settings, to make sure your network is secure.

    Also, I don't think this is actually anything to do with F-Secure, but more likely a Windows / Router issue. That said, we're happy to try to help, so hopefully someone more qualified will be along tomorrow with some further advice.
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