F‑Secure Freedome One year free for VIPs en partenariat avec windowdeal.com


On the page http://freedome.f-secure.com/1yearFree/en/

from  the promotion  offered on Windows http: // www.windowsdeal.com/w/f%E2%80%91secure-freedome-vpn-1-year-vip-100-discount/

It is not possible to get the code to activate this free year on freedome?

Please how to get it?

Thank you




  • Hello,


    please note that this community is currently not localized in French. Please repost your question in English so that the greatest number can help you.


    Merci de reposter ta question en anglais car cette communauté n'offre pas actuellement de support en français.

  • oama
    oama Posts: 3

    Translation is done Smiley Happy

  • Jegg
    Jegg Posts: 2
    Found the same problem with Oama. Seem that F-secure even did't tell us the expire date of the redeem code.

    @Ben, as the community manager, can you help us with this? Really enjoy the 7 day trial and just found that the code no longer works...
  • oama
    oama Posts: 3

    Thank you Ben,


    Just a remark it is strange the giveaway proposal that f secure allowed with windowsdeal.com because it is opened to every public




    Smiley HappyOama

This discussion has been closed.