Pinterest Bot Inquiry

creative_think Posts: 20 Observer
Hey everyone!

I wanted to see if anyone has ever experienced the following error message while using the Pinterest Android app:

"Uh oh! We've found a bot. It looks like there's a bot running on your network. Send us a message from our help center and we'll help you get going again."

I've looked into the issue at the Pinterest Help Center site located at:

When visiting the above site, selecting the "We found a bot on your network" radio button will display the following information:

"What's a bot?

If you're seeing a "We've detected a bot!" message when trying to use Pinterest, we've blocked you because we detected an automated bot on your network.

A bot is a computer program made to automatically scrape, crawl and/or attack Pinterest.

Why doesn't Pinterest allow bots?

Bots can slow down Pinterest for other people and they may even be malicious. Because of this, we don't allow bots. You can learn more in our Acceptable Use Policy.

What you can do

If you're not running a bot, you might share a network with someone who is or you might be connected to Pinterest on someone else's network. This is common with corporate VPNs, proxy services and hosted web applications like Amazon EC2 and Google App Engine. Try getting to Pinterest from a different internet connection."

I'm not sure if this issue is a Pinterest end issue or a Freedome issue. Either way, I know I don't have anything malicious on my devices or network.

Does anyone have a solution for this issue?




  • Tapsa
    Tapsa Posts: 82 F-Secure Product Expert



    Sorry for the delay with the reply. We will investigate this issue a bit further, but could you please let us know which virtual location you've used? If you change your virtual location, do you still see this same alert?


    Since Freedome hides our users behind a relatively small number of different IP addresses, it might be so that Pinterest has flagged one or some of our locations as suspicious, with many different users seemingly coming from one IP address. 




  • creative_think
    creative_think Posts: 20 Observer
    Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I forgot to reply. The virtual location used with Pinterest in US West. However, I haven't checked another location yet to see if I have the same issue. Although, I do hesitate to even try to test another location as I know it will be significantly slower as US West is the closest location to me. By the way, what are your results thus far upon further investigation? Thanks again for help in this matter.
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