Upgrade to FSIS 2015 not working

Today, I got the pop-up about upgrading to 2015, and I decided to do it right away, and clicked the button on the pop-up. The program asked for a key and I typed in the key "FS-UPG-2015" as instructed given on page http://www.f-secure.com/fi_FI/web/home_fi/downloads. After that, the installer spent only a second or two and then immediately told me the computer has to be restarted. I promptly obliged, but after the restart, the pop-up appears again and tells me to install the upgrade, over and over again. I had to click the postpone button to get rid of it.
It seems to me that the installer proceeds to the restart prompt too soon, before it has managed to even download anything. From the general settings, however, I can see that a bunch of component installations have failed today.
Unfortunately, the link you provided is to a page that no longer exists.
Are you sure the 'key' you're being asked for isn't your subscription key? I've not seen "FS-UPG-2015" used as a key before, but I could be mistaken.
@Hönö wrote:Forgot to mention: I also downloaded the installer form the website, but when I run it, it says my product is already up-to-date.
Could you right click the FS system tray icon, select About, then copy the text displaying the build numbers and post them here?
Very interesting - the page did exist a few hours ago.
Interestingly, I cannot copy&paste the list of installed components, for two reasons: the general settings pop-up does not let me copy, and the link (on the pop-up window) that points to the relevant log file is broken.
I will try to look up the log file by other means, though.
Now I find the same download page by the url http://www.f-secure.com/fi_FI/web/home_fi/downloads. The content is the same as earlier today, including the code.
I have to add that I hate the new look of the website. Too much space wasted for nothing, and too much contrast in use of colors. And not as much information as before. Usch.
To be honest, it sounds like your current installation is broken, so your best bet would be to fully remove FS using the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool, reboot, then reinstall. If you're using the stand alone FSIS (not SAFE), then the installer is here: https://www.f-secure.com/en_GB/web/home_gb/downloads
Be aware that you'll need your licence / subscription key for the reinstallation. Also, make sure you have no other anti-virus / anti-malware products installed (other than Malwarebytes, which is OK), as these may conflict with F-Secure.
Good luck, and let us know how things go.
@Hönö wrote:Now I find the same download page by the url http://www.f-secure.com/fi_FI/web/home_fi/downloads. The content is the same as earlier today, including the code.
I have to add that I hate the new look of the website. Too much space wasted for nothing, and too much contrast in use of colors. And not as much information as before. Usch.
I see that link is to the Finnish (?) website, which may be why it's not showing to me here in the UK.
Just remove "wrong character" as "." under link
But basically MBAM also can be a reason for troubles with installation of F-Secure (such as overload or slow-mode/prevent-actions with network as time-out), but it will be related with configuration of machine/system (maybe more, than just "conflict" as "conflict"). With my experience about MBAM (installed) and F-Secure fresh installation... will be next points:
-> Required more time for installation (F-Secure installation). About "five minutes more" for each actions (with slow machine).
And about twenty-fourty minutes as "scan/restart" processes under overload or something same.
-> Any "reports/prompts" by F-Secure as "something wrong" such as "else one restart for total complete installation" or "overload-breakdown" for F-Secure. But it's can be with any overload-reason (MBAM here as example.. because MBAM really hard and strange around network-performance and system performance).
With current situation probably indeed... better to re-install F-Secure as (remove by Control Panel under Windows settings, after -> F-Secure Uninstallation Tool ) and already new installation process with previous steps. But maybe here can be different around something.. if here can be stuck between IS- and SAFE- solution-meanings.
Sorry for my reply.. anyway.
@Shahrir: is this really the only response F-Secure can give? That I have to completely reinstall?
@Simon: I have no reason to believe that the installation would be messed up by anything else than the previous fuill installation, which I believe I did unnecessarily just because also then the upgrade failed.
@Anyone: how do I add a quote in a message?
To quote a message, hit the Reply button to the message you want to quote, then in the Reply pane, hit the Quote button.
If an installation seems to have been damaged, by whatever means, then often the simplest and quickest solution is to reinstall it. You could try a straight reinstall over the top of your current installation, which might work, but a full uninstall > reinstall is usually fairly painless.
Obviously, it would be a good idea to establish what went wrong, but in this case, from what you've said, if there's nothing else on the machine which could be to blame, it seems like a failed upgrade. -
@Simon wrote:
If an installation seems to have been damaged, by whatever means, then often the simplest and quickest solution is to reinstall it.Last time I did that, it took HOURS. It definitely was not the quickest choice. That is why I have decided to avoid reinstall to the last choice.
Trying to install on top of the current installation does not work, simply because the donwloaded installer says my installation si already up-to-date, as I mentioned before.
Anyway, I'd rather have F-Secure confirm the right actions to take.
Alright, so F-Secure won't confirm, but the only answer I get from them is to do uninstall first. Sigh.
Meanwhile, I have taken a screenshot of the window that tells me what failed to install. I'll add the image to the end. Before it, I now realize what Simon was asking was something I actually can copy&paste easily:
F-Secure 1.99 build 192 CCF CUIF 10.02 build 319 CCF DAAS2 1.10 build 369 CCF Automatic Update Agent 1.06 build 109 CCF Upstream 2.01 build 243 CCF Diagnostics 8.01 build 239 CCF Scanning 1.43 build 102.193 CCF Network 1.02 build 134 CCF Reputation 1.1 build 25.2280
The situation is still the same - the downloaded installer keeps telling me there is no new version available, whereas the pop-up that comes daily (and I can find it also from teh action center) immediately tells me that to complete the installation, I have to reboot immediately. But after reboot, the pop-up come again and again tells me to reboot, over and over again, untiö I choose to delay it. Very retiring.
I have had F-Secure for the last year and two days ago re-newed my subscription. I downloaded the installer and installed the new version. At the first reboot the computer was unable to boot and reported corrupt files. I recovered from a system recovery point from about two weeks previous and reinstalled the FSIS but this time the install did not go smoothly and the installer reports that the anti virus and browsing protection failed to install. What has installed is an empty window titled antivirus which starts white with a loading icon spinning then the background of the window turns blue. I have un-installed and re-installed but end up at the same point. FYI OS is Win 7 Ultimate 32 bit.
At the risk of repetition, I would suggest running the F-Secure Uninstaller, and start again from scratch.