F-Secure Safe on Nokia Windows phone

I have been trying to load f-secure safe on to my windows phone using one of my licences.  Instruction appear ok but I end up with an app that is just an advert for Work On The Go. I'm obviously missing something.  I would appreciate some help.

Nokia Lumia 635 Windows phone 8.1


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Windows phone 8 appears to be supported, so I can only assume 8.1 is. How are you installing it? Through the SAFE portal?
  • MikeH
    MikeH Posts: 4

    Yes, it takes me to the app store.


    Since I have done it when I log on I see:- Your f-secure safe subscription is valid.


    Scrolling down it shows 2 licences allocated. One to my lap top and one to my phone.



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Sorry, I'm not familiar with Windows phones, so am probably not the best one to help with this.

    I think I'd be tempted to send in a support ticket if no one else responds here shortly.
  • MargosDezerian
    MargosDezerian Posts: 115 Active Engager

    Windows Phone is a closed OS.For what you want an AV App there?

  • Hello MikeH,


    Could you provide a screenshot of the "advert for Work On The Go" that you are getting and confirm when you encounter it?

    Is the app installed on your phone "F-Secure SAFE"?


    Are you still actually having a problem after the second message you posted?

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