How do I install F-Secure without Internet Connection




I'm about to wipe my computer clean by formatting and reinstall everything to ensure a clean slate. 


This will mean that F-Secure Internat security gets knocked out too, so I'd like to reinstall it BEFORE I go on-line again. In fact, because I'm using my university's network, the University itself insist on it by checking whether or not I have a virus scanner before giving me any type of internet access. They'll even give you a basic virus scanner to fulfill that requirement before going on-line, but I say humbug! I have my F-Secure. Paid good money for it. Sure it sometimes lets malware through even though the uni firewall blocks it like a pro, but at least there's the convenience.



So can anyone give me a link to a functional install program for F-secure that doesn't need an internet connection, so I can put it on an USB stick so that I can install it without?



Thank you!


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    As far as I am aware, there is no offline installer available for F-Secure.

    Would the Uni accept Malwarebytes as enough protection for you to go online to install F-Secure?

    If not, then perhaps one option would be to temporarily use the Uni provided product, just in order for you to get online to install F-Secure, then remove the Uni product again. The slight risk is that the Uni product might conflict with F-Secure, but hopefully F-Secure would detect and remove it during the installation, if that's the case.
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