SAFE for Android - Suggestion for Updates and Automatic Updates Page

The Automatic Updates option in the Android SAFE application has three options:

- My own operator only

- All operators

- Never


I'm guessing that this relates to mobile phone operators or MVNOs but that's a guess on my part, so I'm interested to know if my assumption is right and if so what the implication is (i.e. is it to prevent checks for updates when the user is roaming / abroad).


I suggest that a couple of improvements to this page:

1. Highlight if the last update check was over 28 days ago and suggest that an update check is (urgently) made.

2. Change the wording of the automatic update options to something more user friendly. Given that the SAFE application has administrator rights can the Phone Operator/MVNO name be pulled in as a variable for the selection options?

3. Update now - the "press here to start update" be replaced with a button that is disabled if an automatic update check has shown that SAFE is running the most up to date version.

4. A help "?" is added to the Updates page to explain the options to the user and their implications.


Hope these suggestions are clear and useful.


  • @Bikermondo 


    Hi!  Thanks for sharing your suggestions!  Just to let you know, I've moved this post into the Feature Request board so that our developers and Product Managers can better follow-up on the possible implementation of ideas, and other users can vote on their favorites.



    // Chrissy