Banking protection starts randomly with Internet Explorer Touch

Vetraci Posts: 156 Adventurer

by opening Internet Explorer Touch (Windows 8.1 App) it's sometimes possible that Banking Protection starts with it although I am not browsing a banking site.

Since IE Touch often opens with a blank page there is no "need" for the Banking Protection to start. Smiley Very Happy

Anyone experiencing the same issue?

Are there known compatibility issues with Internet Explorer Touch on Windows 8.1?


  • Could you give us more details ( screenshots ). Which product  and version are you currently running on this windows 8.1 machine?


    You mentioned IE opening on blank pages and still triggering Banking Protection. Do you have any other IE windows or tab running at the same time?



  • Vetraci
    Vetraci Posts: 156 Adventurer
    I am using a Windows 8.1 machine. Internet Explorer (latest version) as "Metro" / Touch version on my Surface Pro.

    Since I can't reproduce the problem and F-Secure Browser protection doesn't pop up on IE Touch it's hard to post any screenshot.
    It just blocks randomly a webpage (Blocked Website page appears), then I have to go back to the desktop and must close Browsing Protection on task bar.
  • Hi!
    Can you let us know if you were able to reproduce the problem at some point? If you manage to get a screenshot next time it might occur, that would help :)
  • JohannesL
    JohannesL Posts: 38 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi, Vetraci!


    We have yet to receive any updates from you and are just doing a follow-up.

    Should you still be experiencing the same issue as reported previously, please let us know and also If you have tried the solutions Ben have provided.



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