F-Secure detects git\bin\pdfinfo.exe as Trojan.Generic.11954596

F-Secure detects git/bin/pdfinfo.exe as Trojan.Generic.11954596 when installing latest git-scm 1.9.4 on Windows 8.1 64bit.
Not only this is a false detection but with upgrading to the latest F-Secure version it has configured itself to automatically disinfect files.
Further more F-Secure replaced my etc/hosts file with a blank version while disinfecting the file. Only due to the fact that I am backing my hosts file on each change I have not lost this very essentatial configuration. It would have taken hours to restore as I would have needed to find out all of the IP addresses of my customers remote servers again.
Sorry guys but this s***!
Your software silently evolved to a product which I can hardly recommend to anyone anymore...
I'm not F-Secure staff, but sorry to hear you've had problems.
Can I suggest you Submit a Sample of the affected file, so that it can be analysed, and whitlisted?
First you have to submit the infected file to F-Secure SAS.
Then after doing that try ...virus total to confirm...
Hi Federico,
thanks for your response.
I have submitted the Installer to SAS though nothing was reported there as well.
And as I installed git-scm with F-Secure disabled after reporting about here and the installed pdfinfo.exe file is not detected as trojan when scanning it afterwards I have no open issue.
Nevertheless I still wonder what might have caused the false detection and why F-Secure destroyed the hosts file.
So I hope this does not happen again to me or others.