F-Secure contextual scan menu icon missing

As title:

it is possible that this contextual scan icon missing again, at 2015 version?

F-Secure is an axcellent product, but is the ONLY ONE product in the world that missing your own icon in contextual menu scan. Why?

I don't thing that is difficult to add in your product, like anything else AV in the whole world have. Please, can you add icon in future updates of 2015 products? Thanks.


  • MickDoe
    MickDoe Posts: 17

    Adding icon makes much faster and intuitive contextual menu scan!

  • MickDoe
    MickDoe Posts: 17

    Other important things missing:

    External devices scan (pop up when inserted USB keys, CD, HDD, etc)

    Boot scan

    Virtualisation browser (and sandbox scan menu option at file execution, like Avast)

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,795 Superuser



    I can just to add some of points:


    -> In fact, F-Secure does not just one security-company - who not added "contex-menu scan-picture".

    And can be more companies... if also we able to talk about security-sofware, where current "feature" as "optionally".

    But F-Secure not just one of "without scan-picture" under context-scan.


    -> Maybe with future version and with modern system it will be (such as - here (community talks) was words about situation, when it's already added).


    -> It's maybe not hard and beauty, but it's also should be like part of platform. Related with "system"-design. Usually context-menu of Windows.. without pictures. But... it's just my opinion.



    About external devices scan - it's happened on current time too (?!) or not? Without pop-up, but how it can be helpful - if it's you inserted any CD/USB/HDD (except situations, where needed specific protection... but here probably better to use any specific tools).


    About other things - it was with F-Secure and maybe dropped. Maybe because it's not really greatest layer of protection, but with a lot of troubles and "performance"-troubles.


    F-Secure have more friendly-design for users, which want be just protected by default (or close to that).


    And most of features.. goes be under "multi-layer" protection. Such as... any exploits (or other) should be detected by DeepGuard and other layers. It's should be, but can not be always.


    With features (like Avast) it also can be situations, when protection goes to be "broken" or not helpful against hard-design-malicious-software or other tricks. So... here just "feature", which can be helpful - but take a lot of resources, less performance... and potentially not better protection, than can be without this features. Here can be a lot of features, which can be added and which not added to any other security-software too (such as... something more powerful and modern designed... than have now with any software).


    But maybe you able to create here your dreams -> http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Feature-Requests/idb-p/Idea_Exchange


    I also just F-Secure user.... so it's just my opinion.

    Will be interesting.. if F-Secure here comes with explanation about design/position with current features.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    The context menu scan icon is present in the FS Protection beta, so I assume that's something which will appear in other versions soon.

    With regards auto scanning of USB drives, etc, I'd rather that was an option than a standard feature. I don't want to have to wait for a scan each time I connect a large USB stick when I know what's on it.

    Of course, even without an auto-scan, FS would still block any malicious activity from an external device upon attempted execution.
  • MickDoe
    MickDoe Posts: 17

    Ukko, have you seen any other AV? Well, ALL OF THEM have his own icon scan in contextual menu. I don't understand why F-Secure don't have his own icon. It's not for cosmetic purpose, but only for intuitive and more faster visual scanning.

    Simon, what is  FS Protection Beta? Internet Security will be dismissed or not?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,795 Superuser


    have you seen any other AV? Well, ALL OF THEM have his own icon scan in contextual menu. I don't understand why F-Secure don't have his own icon. It's not for cosmetic purpose, but only for intuitive and more faster visual scanning





    Yes. I with experience about some of other AV/other security-software. And some of them also can be without context-menu scan-picture. Some of them can be with "optionally"-status for current feature (it's able to add to context, but it also can be without picture or can be with picture).


    But most of companies (which can be most popular) usually have scan-picture under context-menu.


    And my opinion also about points... that context-scan-string  with picture more good and visible for launch scan and etc. But also when context-menu without pictures... so... "scan-picture" by Security software should be with normal look too. Because default-system context-menu without default pictures.

  • MickDoe
    MickDoe Posts: 17

    Ok, Ukko, you don't like icons :)

    Ukko, i've tried ALL AV, for testing purposes, but NONE of all missing your own icon menu scan. ONY F-Secure.

    I hope that F-Secure Labs adding this icon ASAP.

    Only one question:

    in the future, FS Protection replace IS? If Yes, existing users with 2 years key, as example, missing your own licences? Or IS continues to exist also after FS Protection launch?

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Mick, check this out:


    In my opinion, the icon isn't a big deal. In my view, its only real purpose in other products is cosmetic.

    A further point on auto-scanning of external drives - I have two Samsung 1Tb backup drives and these are permanently connected. If they were to be scanned every time I started up my machine, this would take ages, and would not be an effective use of resources.

    In my opinion, routine full scans are a bit of a waste of time. A virus cannot cause harm unless executed, and FS would block any malicious executions. I haven't done a full PC scan for years, as it simply takes too bloody long, but I am confident that I am fully protected.
  • MickDoe
    MickDoe Posts: 17

    Simon, when icon in menu scan is present, scanning files or folder is more fast and intuitive! But isn't strange that all companies have his own icon in context menu scan, and F- Secure is the only one that missing in that point?
    Do you know if FS Protection replaced IS in future? Or waiting for moderators answer to my last question?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,795 Superuser



    So.. maybe I not check all of AV/Security software. I just checked and use (also for check) some, which can be interesting for me. It's about... OK... twenty various company probably (if it's important... I can to create private letter.. with list of them...) or maybe more.


    My dreams about "context-scan picture" same with your dreams. And I also wrote.. that most of companies have that.

    But during my latest experience with some of another security-software.. time to time... I thought: "OK. Current company also without scan-picture under context-menu. F-Secure - not alone with current practice". It was about not more, than five companies maybe. Of course, it's "small" piece... but something as "F-Secure does not just one".

    Also.. some companies (and you certainly have experience with them) have feature about "disabled" context-scan-string under menu (simply disabled). It's also can be strange practice, but have with some companies (here already will be without full feature.. not just "view").



    And FS Protection it's just such as beta or technology preview. It will be not replaced as name probably.

    It's mean... when F-Secure IS or F-Secure SAFE goes to be "ready" for upgrade (2015 to next version of 2015; or 2015 to next version) -> all features comes here. It's mean context-scan-picture should be come with next (?) upgrade of stable-version.


    Basically F-Secure SAFE more related with FS Protection, than F-Secure IS.


    F-Secure SAFE with my opinion can to replace F-Secure IS. Because basically it's same things for users, but more helpful such as "to use and multi-devices practice" (F-Secure SAFE - you able to get information from website). Probably with any variants... if F-Secure IS will be "dropped" as solution.... F-Secure able to provide "variants to transfer license under F-Secure SAFE".

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    F-Secure would be the best ones to clarify this, but I believe the stand alone IS product will remain available, at least for as long as your current licence runs for. What will happen in the long term isn't for me to speculate on.
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,795 Superuser

    Like addition.


    F-Secure provided current document (.pdf) as explanation about lifecycle of solutions.

    Maybe here can be information, which can be an answer for you (such as.... should be support for IS known limits of time). Without any other "background"-points.



  • MickDoe
    MickDoe Posts: 17

    Have you tried to scan a folder or a file with contex scan menu? With an icon, it's more simple and intuitive to find the option! In context menu there are more icons of various softwares, and Windows related funcions. It takes a aeons to find F-Secure with ONLY the voice "analyze with". In FS Protection beta, the icon is present. I don't understand why in IS not. I hope in future service pack.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,795 Superuser


    In FS Protection beta, the icon is present. I don't understand why in IS not. I hope in future service pack.



    This is probably some kind of "new" feature (added recently and just under FS Protection, which related with tp/beta-points - how it was with description from one of community-topics).

    Simply Stable version of F-Secure IS (as part of F-Secure SAFE and FS Protection as potential technology preview for this) released before. Maybe next "service pack" update/upgrade for stable-version will be with current "feature" already. Simply.. need to wait.


    But also.. maybe it's will be with limitations (about where it will be). With picture - of course - better and not so hard to "get" string about "scan it".  But also with my experience.. without picture.. usually current string under "one position" for each type of files/folders - and it's also not so hard.. after some days use. But picture more visible - of course.

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