multiple device problems

sbnbmbmb Posts: 7 Observer

I bought last week the annual subscription to F-Secure Freedome VPN. Whilst it works on the device I bought it on, the app no longer works on my other apple devices as it says the trial period has expired. They don't appear to recognise that I have bought the full subscription now. What can I do to rectify the problem? 


  • sbnbmbmb
    sbnbmbmb Posts: 7 Observer

    ps. all devices are registered to the same apple ID, and I am still having problems

  • Hello,


    Have you tried the Restore purchase link in the Subscription view on the device where the trial has expired?




  • sbnbmbmb
    sbnbmbmb Posts: 7 Observer

    Thanks for the input. I cannot remember my password to be able to restore purchases on the device, and would have to completely reset the iPad, which I'm not keen to do. Any way round this?

  • Tapsa
    Tapsa Posts: 82 F-Secure Product Expert



    When you restore purchases on the iPad, the password that is requested is your AppleID's password, and not the device passcode. If you have forgotten your password for the AppleID, you can recover it here:


    Without the AppleID password you cannot restore purchases on your iPad, but you cannot also purchase any apps for the iPad either.




  • sbnbmbmb
    sbnbmbmb Posts: 7 Observer

    Thanks for your input, but this is where I am lost.

    I can download the f-secure app onto my ipad, but on opening it it tells me that the trial period has finished. I am invited to manage subscription, where I can either buy a new subscription or 'restore purchase'. When I try to restore purchase, I am asked to confirm that I want to do so (I do, as the purchase was made on another device), and then a communication appears saying 'In-app purchaes are not allowed'. In order to turn on in-app purchases, I understand that I have to go into general settings / restrictions and turn off the restrictions, but here I need my 4 digit apple restrictions password (which I do not know) - not my apple ID password.

    I have never had this problem with any other app. All other apps, independent of on which device they were purchased, are always downloadable on my other devices. I simply tap to download, enter my apple ID, and it works. I have never been given the communication that 'in-app purchases are not allowed'.

    I hope this helps you better understand my problem. Thanks in advance for further help.

  • Tapsa
    Tapsa Posts: 82 F-Secure Product Expert



    Thank you for the clarification, now we understand better what this is about.


    The "Restore purchases" functionality is technically the same process as the in-app purchase. As the in-app purchases have been restricted on your device, you'll need to have the passcode to restore the purchase of Freedome on the device and there is no way around it. This is the standard way how the "Restore purchases" work on Apple devices - here's an article about it in the Apple knowledgebase:



  • sbnbmbmb
    sbnbmbmb Posts: 7 Observer

    Thanks for the response. Unfortunately the link you included in your mail does not work. If you could resend it I would appreciate it.

  • Tapsa
    Tapsa Posts: 82 F-Secure Product Expert



    The link had one extra dot (".") at the end of it - I edited the previous post and now the link works. Sorry for the hassle.




  • Hi,

    May we know whether your issue is resolved or not? If it is still not resolved kindly let us know.

  • sbnbmbmb
    sbnbmbmb Posts: 7 Observer


    My problem has not been resolved.

    I cannot turn off the restrictions in instore apps as I don't know my device password. I am not willing to completely reset my iPad to factory settings to be able to download the Fsecure app. No other app has caused this problem when wanting to use it on multiple devices, so this is clearly a problem specific to this app. As such I am far from satisfied, having spent a considerable amount on an annual subscription which is now limited to one device.

    Surely you can offer an alternative solution . . .

  • Tapsa
    Tapsa Posts: 82 F-Secure Product Expert
    Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done here. The passcode request comes from the iOS operating system as the purchase restore is in Apple's view an in-app purchase. If the in-app purchases have been restricted on your device, the only way to get the restore purchase to work is to enter the passcode. This applies to all the apps or other purchases which have been bought as in-app purchase, not just F-Secure Freedome.
  • Hi sbnbmbmb!

    Thanks for updating us with the solution you found! I'm sure that will be helpful in solving other users' problems, so, cheers for that!!

    // Chrissy
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