
Hi, after paying for a new 2 year subscription and then having to upgrade to the latest software, I have found that the "view my subscriptions" tab dose not work!!

any ideas?



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for reply. Maybe here should be response by F-Secure team.


    But anyway... maybe current situation related with new SAFE-realization. Such as... all goes under "My SAFE" account... or should to go under "My SAFE" account (as part of webpage/portal).


     Later..... decide to add:


    But... what certainly here does not work with you device?


    Does you mean... that after trying to add new subscription - prompt give any mistakes (?!). With that variant - maybe need just to wait.... if license goes be valid just after new day.


    Or simply.. you not able to open "My Subscription"-window ?

  • heyhey
    heyhey Posts: 3


    I had been recieving notifications that my subscription was running out, so I payed and recieved a code (24 months for up to 3 computers)

    The code worked fine on my lap-top and then wanted me to download the latest f-secure,

    all went fine!

    but I then went to use the code (3 computers) on my pc, but for some reason It said I had already used all my subscriptions up!!

    For some daft reason I then up graded as prompted on the pc,

    and then discovered that the "view my subscriptions" tab is the only thing on the upgraded software that for some reason dose not work on either my pc or lap-top,

    so still dont know where I stand untill I can at least check what both computers think my subscription status is,

    It seems like a problem with the software because the same thing has happened on two separate computers,

    Thanks for replies,

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Also maybe here same situation (can be same) - http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security/I-can-t-download-the-latest/m-p/61923


    I'm not sure... that it's can be faster, than answer by F-Secure team there (or than you able to try some of steps).


    But you also able to use maybe next variant of trying to get information about your installation/license:




    Such as create ticket for support (just because - license key known for you.. and by request or other information as "fsdiag" by F-Secure Support Tool as part of installation - can to help to understand required information for answer by support) about current situation, when Three-Licenses goes be already "all in use" after just one activation.


    Basically.. also.. if here three licenses (or maybe one also) - during "all in use" can be (or should be) prompt with "you able to re-activate license from device, which already not using by anyone". Some kind of "re-activation" for stuck-situations. Probably it's can be with trying to install F-Secure and if all here normal.


    And about upgrade to latest version -> maybe here can be helpful information.. which certainly version here (my one of desktops.. have as latest under F-Secure SAFE IS 2.115  (able to get by right-click for tray-picture and "About"-button) - if I correctly remember and here all OK with my subscriptions window). Maybe here just something around crash UI or broken installation - if can be any conflicts between F-Secure and other software (security or another ones).


    Maybe you able to try re-installation steps with next meanings:


    -> Uninstall F-Secure installation by common and default steps (Windows Control Panel - Remove Programs).

    with active network connection (for prevent stuck about license-key) and with work-status for F-Secure (it's mean - without disabled protection or etc.)


    -> Goes to use F-Secure Uninstall Tool ( ftp://ftp.f-secure.com/support/tools/uitool/UninstallationTool.exe ) after that.


    -> And trying to install F-Secure as clean/fresh installation with latest installer (or installer, which you able to get from any source..... when you get license key). Such as here can be different between F-Secure IS and F-Secure SAFE IS (it can be visible with colors of UI - blue as main color of background or gray-black as main color of background - if I correctly remember). Potentially here can be different "keys/licenses" as valid (it's mean required license key for certainly purchased solution). But if you meet prompt that.. just "already used all subscriptions" - it's maybe mean.. that you have experience with correct solution (but in somewhat reason.. here something wrong with number of devices?! and without prompt-variant for re-place license-key).


    Maybe with that variant... if here was "broken" installation - can be something with changes around "View my subscriptions". If not - maybe it's can be as part of support-ticket-description (or maybe better to use.. F-Secure Support from first... if they can be with speedy response and able to create explanation - why you license-key goes be with strange behavior).


    Sorry for long reply.

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