License and pc restore

martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

A restore boot up menu was made on my Samsung laptop. That restore it to the as delivered condition.

I did not uninstall F-S IS before that to free the license

After uninstalling the evaluation versions of other malvare protection I reinstalled FS-IS.

It did not appear to consume a new license.


Does the FS-IS recognize it is being installed on the same (device ID?) and knows no to consume a license?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    But here should be additional:


    -> But not re-installation for Windows (with "format");

    -> But not removing by "F-Secure Uninstallation Tool";

    -> Manually, but with network connection;

    -> Manually, but with "launched" processes/services by F-Secure;


    and some other situations, where license usually goes to "stuck" and such as "still in use".


    Or it's changed now?


    Thanks and sorry for answer.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks. That figures.

    When you say

    the F-secure licens server sences that it no longer have any contact with the client 

    does that apply to the PC which I left to the cottage and shall start next summer the next time?

    What would happen if I tried to use the the same license on another PC after several months, but before next summer?

    Would that license be in use or not?


    Yes, also to just formatting the drive and doing reinstall. All licenses were used, but with the help of support got that settled.

    Yes, also to using uninstall tool. Forutnately that was TP and it was easier to refresh the licenses.

  • JoniW
    JoniW Posts: 9 Explorer

    If your PC at your summer cottage is just turned off it will still take license in use next time you turn it on if there is any free spot on your license.


    If your all licenses are in use already on some other devices then it's not possible to that computer take the license again in use.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thaks, no I know, that is just fien for me.

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