browsing times not working

Having problems with the browsing times and time limits on F Secure


On Windows 8 browsing times working, length or time not

On my windows 7 both not working


Help needed




  • Morning,


    I have F Secure on 3 of my computers. 2 are Windows 8 and one is Windows 7.


    On the Windows 8 laptops the browsing time limits (0-7) are not working, but how long the user can browse is not


    On the Windows 7 computer neither the bfrowsing times, or how long are not working.


    Help needed




    EDIT: Moved from feature request board

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    Hello, Probably your question more related with "trouble" or "support-request", but your topic created under feature-request. Anyway - with my systems.. probably looks like all OK around this features. How it certainly visible.. that it's not work on current time with you machines? Here I mean - feature with "ON"-status and all here configured, but access under supported browsers without changes around network? Maybe here able to try create some steps for understand - why it's happened. Or create support-request ticket under Support-page-steps. Sorry for reply.


    EDIT: Moved from feature request board

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Not sure about browsing times specifically, but F-Secure's Parental controls work with Windows user account profiles, so if you are signed into Windows as an admin, this would override FS parental controls.

    So, you may need to set up a limited user account in Windows for Parental Controls to be effective.
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    Current features should be work with any accounts. But... just:

     - Adminstrators able to configure settings for this under Browsing Protection;

     - Adminstrators able to re-change settings during "session" after prompt - that time-use over-the-limit already .


    Also maybe here able to use something with "Re-install plugins", but I not sure.. that it's can be related.

    And not sure... how certainly to get information that something wrong here (such as - if here goes to "zero"-point about "lenght" - should be work... but with next try. All other limits.. will be under "real"-time use). If I all understand good.



    But maybe previous words was about situation, when Windows already with configuration about time-limits under default Parental controls features (?!). Maybe it's can be (?!).

  • Thanks for your reply,  have tested out the feature as both admin and limited or standard user.

    As admin it worked in regards to browsing times,  but not in regards to duration of time I  Windows 8

    But neither works on Windows 7 

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    @Oakministries wrote:

    Thanks for your reply,  have tested out the feature as both admin and limited or standard user.

    As admin it worked in regards to browsing times,  but not in regards to duration of time I  Windows 8

    But neither works on Windows 7 

    Sorry, just to clarify, are you saying it's not working when signed in as Admin, or as limited user?  You may need to set up a limited account for it to work. 


    Just looking at my own machine, it seems I can set up a Standard user account with Parental Controls within Windows settings, and that can include time limits.  That's on Windows 7.


    So, that leaves me slightly confused as to what use F-Secure's Parental Controls are at all.  dunno.gif

  • Niklas
    Niklas Posts: 28 Contributor



    What version of F-Secure are you running on your pc's?

    And what webbrowsers and versions have you been testing in?


    Br Niklas

  • I have just updated to the latest version of F Secure. Still having the problem with length of time you can spend on the internet - on Windows 8


    Window 7 - the latest version on F Secure - neither browsing times, and length of time you can spend on line .. not working


    I am using Google Chrome and Internet explorer,


    Chrome the latest version


    Internet Explorer 11

  • I have tested the windows 7 - on both administrator and standard user and both the browsing time and time limits are not working
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Not being a user of Parental Controls, I'm not sure what else to suggest, so hopefully someone from F-Secure can help with this one.
  • JoniW
    JoniW Posts: 9 Explorer

    In this case could you please send support request with fsdiag so we can see what causes the issue.


    It might be some conflicting software on your computer or some setting needs to be changes so in this case it's best to get fsdiag.

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