freedom ei käynnisty? Sovellus estää?/mobile security ristiriita

play-kaupasta ladattu kätevä honeycomb home-Quick launch sovellus (surpax technology Inc.) . Kuuluu alhaisimpaan lupakäytäntöjen luokkaan, mutta sillä on 40+oikeutta(mobile security luokitus), eikä freedom toimi silloin, ei käynnisty. Uskallanko käyttää?


  • Hello -SamtheMan74,


    Our community is currently not localized in Finnish.


    In order to reach the largest audience and for more people to be able to try to help you, please repost in English. 

  • play-shop loaded with convenient home honeycomb-Quick launch application (surpax Technology Inc.). Belongs to the lowest authorized to practice in class, but it is 40 + right (mobile security classification), and freedom in its time, will not start. Dare I use?

  • You can always submit the app to our lab for analysis.


    Note that this application seems to do a lot of things and these things definitely require lots of permissions from the system.


    Could you give more details concerning Freedome not starting when this app is installed?

    Is it when you try to launch Freedome through this app? Do you get any error message?

  • Freedom doesn't work at all when app is phone. I don't have this app anymore, because benefits when i use freedom are more important.. And freedom is not free. Hail to freedom. Smiley Happy
  • I remove i, i'm not sure how sending happens.


    Regards, sami

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