FSP made his computer no response when firefox invoked IDM

Hello NikK
Glad to see you again! @NikK
My friend used FSP with his WIN 7(x64bit) computer,but he complained that FSP made his computer no response when firefox invoked IDM(Internet Download Manager),no-response made he have to shut off computer,he tried two times,all failed.
He tried to uninstall FSP,no-response not happened again, the result is OK.
I do not know if other peoples have this situation? and I didn't used IDM,so i can't confirm his,but i wishes you can confirm it and make improve,thanks!
best wishes!
So.. just because here without answers yet.
I not able to check it now... because without experience with latest Firefox or with current IDM as software (but looks like strange software).
But with my experience around F-Secure.. just one time I met something same. And it was looks like "no response" (a little be more, than five minutes) - just freeze. With known steps for me (during launch one of application, but more good to say - launch part of application as another application under original application). I feel that like "DeepGuard" goes to re-check and it's take too much long time. After some minutes system goes to be unfreeze-status.
Potentially with situation around starting downloading... can be situation that F-Secure goes to re-check all of that.... and it goes to "slow"-mode. If machine not really modern... can be too much slow.. and freeze (such as overload).
But basically.. if here required some kind of feedback from other users with same configuration... and check if here all "stable" to repeat (if it stable and happened each time - maybe here better to create report or ticket for F-Secure) - so.. maybe need to wait.. when some of Firefox users comes here
With other meanings.. maybe your friend (or anyone else) able to transfer IDM(Internet Download Manager) version (for Firefox) to F-Secure SAS ( https://analysis.f-secure.com/ ) with descriptions... that potentially here troubles between start process of downloading... and F-Secure protection. Maybe they able to repeat it or re-check ... reason for current behavior.
Sorry for my reply.
So, today I have experience with Firefox and IDM already.
I goes to one of my desktops and get next:
-> Firefox (33.0 - not default and customed by GMX 2.11.1),
-> IDM (ver. 6.21 build 14 - trial version).
-> FS Protection (2.23 build 296)
Installed FS Protection - work with system some hours and system was normal, good and without any surprised.
Installed Firefox. Basically without any changes for default. Check that all works... check that FS Protection features also works. All good.
Installed Internet Download Manager without any changes for default settings (basically). All looks like "installed/configured" good (as should be with current software).
Not goes to restart (not prompted/required it, but under autorun was key for once-launch as autorun something around IDM). Anyway goes to re-check how it work with browsers. And after that goes to check it with Firefox.
First try without any freezes or something like that. But it was a little be slow during "creating prompt for download with first tips" (such as steps between choose download and IDM dialog).
After that I goes to re-check various variants for download files.. and also for download malicious files. Without freezes, but here was already needed restart for system (because FS Protection detected it, of course... and just because here was "slow" between steps... IDM goes to prevent file.... but FS Protection block it too... and here needed restart for total removing malicious files).
Anyway .... on current step (before restart) - I goes to try "uninstalling" IDM (Internet Download Manager) - and here looks like "freeze" for uninstallation process. Without any visible steps.. that uninstallation goes normally. Wait fifteen minutes (maybe less) and goes to try "shutdown" system as restart. But it goes to freeze/no response.
Hard restart for system... launch and I goes to try repeat steps with Firefox about downloading.
But already on current launch... my system goes to be more slowly.. more hard to feel "speed" and etc. I not sure - why... but it was certainly like that.
Firefox goes to launch around five minutes and all actions was too much slowly (IDM was not under background processes, but just maybe a lot of hooks by drivers or something same).
During my try to download file by Firefox/IDM was next:
-> Choose direct-link for F-Secure Key (Windows client) - it goes to new tab-try... and here was freeze.
But freeze just for Firefox.... related with "no response". But system was OK.
-> Wait some minutes (maybe more, than three minutes... maybe much more) without any my actions.
After that goes to try "re-check" how biggest here "freeze" and it goes to be "unfreezing".
IDM created prompt/dialog about "start-download".
So.... potentially here can be something same with situation from your descriptions. But I not sure.. that here certainly related with F-Secure as reason. Or mainly to say... my system just goes to be more slow after first restart (with IDM installation).
Anyway - I goes to uninstall Internet Download Manager after current steps. And it goes good now. Speedy uninstalled. Restart for system... and my system start be more speedy and more fresh again.
Firefox launched again more speedy, than it was after first restart (with IDM-installation). Without any results about it.. just as fact.
So.... basically.. my system not goes to be "no response", when Firefox invoked IDM (but Firefox close to that - but just some minutes).
And I thought... what if your friend have just big list of downloads or big history of downloading under IDM.
Or other something, which can be related with a lot of "information" under IDM-client?! Such as any "journals".
And current one point can be explanation for more longest freeze or "no response" for full system.
Just because it's looks like here can be something between FS Protection and IDM (maybe normal behavior). And if IDM have large file of journal (or other large files, which opened/reading during created dialog for new download-process) - maybe it can be no response for full system. Because it's take more resources.. and maybe F-Secure as protection-security-software should to re-check all of them as "executable"-process.
Sorry for reply again.
Dear Ukko,
Thanks for your reply,You are friendly and responsible.
You take a test by yourself to confirm it,I am so touched.
According your test, you found something same with situation from my descriptions,so the problem is exist,I know FS as a security software,it need to re-check process,anyway, FS can't take up too much resources,even make desktop no-response,No one can tolerate him unless testers.
by the way,my friend use FF and IDM are same as your test version.
thanks and regards!
antony -
Just as workaround... if your friend will be with new experience about try to use FS Protection:
-> if here indeed can be troubles by FS Protection (because I not check situation, when IDM work with my system without FS Protection):
- Potentially if it's available.. so will try to "clean" list of downloads or other journals/archives/something same under IDM (Internet Download Manager) - if it's not really important for "save". But largest list of that... or largest size of "journal/archive/databases" of that... can be a reason for too much "no response" during:
- DeepGuard potentially can to be with inject/hook-steps around any actions for save system as clean.
Usually (I not try it... with current "background" and with same experience) here able to try use "Compatibility mode" under F-Secure settings about DeepGuard. Maybe it's can be better.
Or will try to add "IDM" as exclusion for real-time scanning (files, folders and etc.).
But current steps.. too much "workaround" and create less security-status, than can be. And also not really friendly-look during use system.
And if total "no response" will be repeating - maybe your friend able to create "fsdiag" by F-Secure Support Tool (Diagnostic tool) and create support-ticket about situation. When... already F-Secure technicians/people/support-people will be with dreams about "relationships with FS Protection or not" (which looks like that).
Basically... with my experience.. was just "slow" freeze... some minutes for browser. But not total "no response" for full system. But I can to think.. that if IDM using some months, years or more.. here can be points.. for "first my suggestion" and it's can be as "increase"-step around "no response". And looks like system works fine.. FS Protection works fine. Just IDM was under "no response/slow" - it's can be by DeepGuard (pro-active complex by F-Secure protection), but maybe here just software goes to be with hard design. Because... with IDM system one time goes to be "no response" (and I not sure.. that here can be certainly reason by FS Protection. It's can be just "overload" as fact... with trying to do/to stop any actions by IDM).
Also like addition - current my experience was with slow machine. So.. here can be worst results, than with any modern machines. And all of that... can be like words about "your friend meet something more local, where have something else... than just default configuration for repeat it" with full "trouble-view".