Re: F-Secure Detection of Adware goes missing.

Can you tell us where do you get the initial detection from?
This type of threat should be detected by our virus definition.
You may want to submit the file in object to our lab for further analysis.
PS: @jml I moved your post to the most relevant board
I recommend you to submit the detected file to F-Secure Virus Sample at this site...
Create an account and upload the file.
Or you can try upload the suspected file to and make sure it is 64mb or less.
Check to see and confirm if virustotal detect the file as spyware...
Please avoid downloading software from Cnet Download site as it is infected with adwares!
Have you try and download Malwarebytes free to do a full scan?
or hitman pro beta build ...
((Please post again base on your findings see if we can help you to solve the problem...))