browsing protection

while I was checking some websites, i clicked one page of the website (in chrome) and suddenly chrome displayed that the page i was trying to visit contains malware. however i know that website has nothing to do with any malware but it displays "" might try to install malware on my computer.
1. in case like this, I mean if another website is trying to install malware through legitimate website does f-secure protect me? if yes then how? and why chrome displayed that warning but f-secure did not? what is the reason behind it?
2. when i tried to report that url to f-secure sas, it kept saying enter url. but i already entered the url. i tried it many times with different browsers too but no success. why it happens?
I don't use Chrome but I sometimes use their Safe Browsing Diagnostic Page manually. In this case you'll find it here:
Apparently some content on come from this site and Safe Browsing will therefor warn you about it because it thinks it's a malicious site. But VirusTotal says only 2 of 59 classifies that site as malicious:
To verify if browsing protection by F-Secure is working go to
If you see a message "Harmful web site blocked" it means it's working.
I tested and neither F-Secure nor Malwarebytes blocks me from entering that site.
Hello Nikk, yes, browsing protection is working. I checked it with you given link. and that warning was indeed true because on full scan with f-secure last night it found 4 generic application riskware in application data/google/chrome/user data/default/file system......
I removed the threats. -
Hi Ben, yes, that alert was not coming from f-secure but from chrome. I am using version 37.0.2062.124 m. i did not tried it with other browsers because of security aspect. but it seems that alert i was getting was true because in full scan f-secure detected riskware and removed it. so my issue is solved. Thank you.
FYI, the Safe Browsing protection by Google is not only a feature in Chrome. Firefox and Safari uses this Google service too.
It can be turned off if you don't want it for example for privacy reasons. In Firefox settings, Security:
- Block reported attack sites
- Block reported web forgeries