F-Secure Internet Security latest version

I notice that I no longer get the pop-up Safe Banking when I access the majority of my banking sites.

I have 4 web addresses for banking and only one of these does the pop up activate.  Please advise.


  • Hi,


    Just read @redvet 's post, and tried if there is something similar also with my daily-used banks. 


    Of two Finnish banks, visiting OP Pohjola -site pop up shows up , but doesn't with Tapiola.


    Also tried English Skrill and the pop up game as it used to.



  • Aaah,


    My bad, the pop-up-banner shows up also with Tapiola when you are actually signing in...



  • redvet
    redvet Posts: 40 Explorer

    Until today pop up banking used to activate on all 4 sites, now only 1.  No difference when I complete full login to my accounts still not showing.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Maybe you able to place some of URLs (about current three, which with trouble now).


    Also it's can be if here goes to be connection without HTTPS or here Private Mode of browsing... or something else (or any proxy as example; or other software... which can to break something).

    For example, Banks - which was here placed - for me goes to be with Banking Protection after first visit (without any login-steps) - if I all normal understand.


    If it's not just something local and it was dropped for Banking Protection.


    Maybe you also can to use https://analysis.f-secure.com/ (F-Secure SAS) for report about pages, which should be under Banking Protection - but without this.... on current time.

  • redvet
    redvet Posts: 40 Explorer

    I solved by not using Mozilla Firefox browser.  Everything works OK on IE or Chrome.

    I sent message to F-Secure Tech people but they do not respond. F-Secure probably one of the most unresponsive of all the Anti-Virus software sellers.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    Maybe it's around current situation. :)


    About Banking and Browsers - indeed with my experience... it was not about Firefox (maybe here something wrong).

    About reaction by F-Secure.... maybe it's not so worst. I have more strange situations with other security-companies (maybe most of them, which can be around trust-meanings), where simply without any results (or with results... which can be something around, which I not really understand as something normal as answer/response or explanation).


    But some of my latest letters for something around support-things.. also was without any response (after default-letter.. that it goes to be a ticket or something like that). Or questions for "specific"-questions about some of services or feature (around Banking protection.. also) - where it's able to get mail-address for questions.

  • FamousMarcel
    FamousMarcel Posts: 74 Observer

    Maby it is youre firefox on youre computer.

    Deleted firefox, and install him again i think.


    I have firefox also and no prblems.

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