Trusted developer / whitlisting program

I'm a developer for a legitimate software development company and was wondering if there is a Trusted developer or whitlisting program available for F-Secure. I did take a look at the Labs environment but didn't find an option to submit a new program for analysis, just the option to report a false positive. Is this the option we should be using or are there alternatives?
Thanks in advance.
Hi InversDeveloper,
If you would like to provide the sample of the file for analysis to our labs, you may submit it via the following method. Yes, you may use the option 'False Positive' for submitting the files.
Is the respective software being detected as an infection by F-Secure?
Please send the samples in a single password-protected ZIP file. Use the password "infected", with difference password it will take a longer process time for our lab engineers to decrypt the code. Send the ZIP file using our web form at
(Please register when you submit the samples on our website and you will get the ticket ID from our lab, for example of ticket id T123456. On the Submit Sample page, if you need to contact our lab engineers, include your question or incident details in the "Message" field. Else, please leave it empty)Thanks.