FSP - Possible Windows activation issue?

This may be coincidental, but since installing FSP on my Windows 7 machine, I have had to revalidate Windows on two occasions, after getting alerts that my copy of Windows is not genuine.  Of course, it IS genuine, and I have made no changes to Windows that I am aware of that could trigger a revalidation.


Has anyone else had this issue recently?




I've sent a report to the Beta team, but wanted to check on here too, in case anyone has any ideas.


  • Tahvo
    Tahvo Posts: 45 Explorer

    I didint see any issues but i use Windows 8. What does it say from my computer? Is it active from there you should have any problems then.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    I'm not sure what it said in My Computer as I didn't look. It did say that the version of Windows was not genuine in the right hand corner of my Desktop. I'll have to wait and see if it does it again to check My Computer.
  • hokke
    hokke Posts: 2 Observer

    I have same problem when i install fsp in windows 7 and restart computer Windows was not genuine

    i put product key and then  activation is OK. but same came when i restart computer

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Could you please submit a bug report, if you haven't already, attaching an FSDIAG? They may not be able to tell exactly what triggered the reactivation, but they may be able to see a common configuration with our two machines.
  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert



    Thanks for the report (in beta.f-secure.com). I'm replying here so that others who may have this problem can see the answer.


    We checked the problem but could not find any evidence that our product is causing the problem. Windows event log just says: "The system has been tampered. 0xC004D301"


    One thing you could try is to exclude c:\windows\system32\sppsvc.exe from real-time protection. Let us know how it turns out.





    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Hi Ville,

    Thanks for that. Just a thought, but does FSP modify any system dll files that might be relevent to this issue?

    It's not all that helpful that Microsoft aren't more enlightening as to the actual trigger for the reactivation.

    My worry is that, as far as I am aware, only 5 reactivations are allowed, after which, presumably, Windows will cease to function, and I've used two already. Smiley Sad
  • kari50
    kari50 Posts: 2 Observer

    I too went to the window the key to getting old and I had to reactivate the capacity to work with a vengeance, I finally got the activation through the browser to work, but I removed the projection of the program, I sent a message and file support, but the answer has not come yet

    "minullakin meni windowa avain vanhaksi ja jouduin aktivoimaan uudelleen joka teetti töitä ihan tosissaan, lopulta sain aktivoinnin selaimen kautta toimimaan mutta poistin projection ohjelman, lähetin viestiä ja tiedoston tukeen mutta vastausta ei ole tullut vielä

  • kari50
    kari50 Posts: 2 Observer
    I too went to the window the key to getting old and I had to reactivate the capacity to work with a vengeance, I finally got the activation through the browser to work, but I removed the projection of the program, I sent a message and file support, but the answer has not come yet
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Just to update this, I am still having to re-activate Windows every few days.  I still have no idea if this has anything to do with FSP, but it happened again this morning, after the FSPTP122 upgrade yesterday. 


    I am also now having problems with a missing 'nvspcap.dll', which appears to be connected to GeForce Experience.  I am currently trying to reinstall this, but it's now complaining about another missing dll, 'streamci', and refusing to reinstall. 


    Coincidence?  Is anyone else having these issues with Windows 7?

  • hokke
    hokke Posts: 2 Observer

    I have same missing "AERO" and it say missing direct3d when try but screen saver again.  Then i try reinstall amd catalyst soft it say missing streamci.

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