f secure internet security

F-Secure IS have feature about automatic-remove tracking cookies (just tracking and just "if F-Secure" marked as tracking) under real-time scanning settings.
So... basically it's should be work and "tracking cookies" removed by real-time "feature". It's mean - when you use browser.... "tracking cookies" removed during "created".
F-Secure without features about "remove cookies" (I also use another software for clean cookies, because default cleaning by browser settings not enough) as scan results.
I also ask about one of tracking cookies (they marked it on web-site description as "tracking", but it's not removed from my systems).... and they answered.. that it's not "tracking" (not "tracking cookies").
And page with "description" - where it's visible.. that current cookies (from source) should be removed..... outdate and will be re-changed.
Basically it was long months ago... after that without changes.
And without changes on current day too.
Here have list of "tracking cookies" - and most of them (maybe all) can be on my systems and not removed by "real-time" feature about "deleting tracking cookies".
So... I already asked about it also... but without response. So - I not sure... work this feature or not...
Or simply need to meet too much tracking cookies... which on current day have another meanings, than previously (for F-Secure). And "tracking cookies" will be detected as "scan result".... so if it's like that - I without response about this... and I not meet something like that.